Hi Ellen, 
I am in Michigan too and have 28 students, also in a Title One school. We  
are doing MLPP required 4-5 times a year and more as needed. We have all been  
trained in DIBELS, but only the literacy coach uses it on kids that are not  
developmentally ready to learn yet. I say it that way because I believe all  
children want to learn, some just aren't quite ready yet. 
Which brings me to another thing I wanted to mention.  Recently  in one of 
those rare spare moments at home, I caught an episode of John and Kate  plus 8. 
They have sextuplets, for those who haven't see it, meaning that they  all 
come from the same parents, have the same environment and are in the same  
preschool. In the episode I was watching, the children were trying to ride 
two wheelers without training wheels. Only one of the six could do it and he  
took off like lightning. The others were all having different problems, one 
 balance, one with pedaling, one with nerves etc. I thought it was a perfect  
example of the need to teach in a developmentally appropriate manner  with 
young children. DIBELS however reflects the idea that all children learn in  
same way at the same time. 
In a message dated 1/17/2009 9:21:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
closs...@msu.edu writes:

We are having a meeting with one of the "high ups" about  assessing literacy 
skills this week.  I am in Michigan, and we are  required to do M.LP.P. (every 
few weeks if the child is low),  running  records (as needed), and now 
D.I.B.E.L.S. has been added (this is not to  mention all of the other 
that we are doing).  Keep in mind,  that we generally have 29-35 students (29 
K&1, 32 in 2&3, and 35 in  4&5) , and I am in a Title 1 school).  We have to 
do all of this  assessment on our own time, and are not provided with subs or 
anything.   Now, I am not here to complain (as I am sure that others have it 
worse), but  am seeking what other districts in Michigan are doing, as we have 
been told  that all districts are doing this, and that it will not go away.  
We are  all very frustrated that all we are doing is assessing, and not having 
time to  teach.    I want to teach them how to read and comprehend...not  how 
to take D.I.B.EL.S. which goes agains what we teach them to do:)   They are so 
confused...  Any information in welcome, as it may be helpful  for our 
meeting.  Thanks!  Have a great day!  

E-Mail: closs...@msu.edu
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Quoting "Beth  Lauterbach" <beth.lauterb...@gmail.com>:

> Progress  Monitoring
> Jen, you wondered about progress  monitoring...
> We start the year with DIBELs for K-4, MAP for 3,4,  Observation Survey
> (Reading Recovery) for most of 1, Rigby to all  2.
> Dibels is given in Jan. and April again to all, progress monitoring  happens
> as needed.
> MAP is usually given informally in Jan. and  again formally in April.
> Rigby is used as needed to check for grouping  in K-4.
> Saxon Phonics (Decoding) is used in K,1,2 - and there is built  in progress
> monitoring in that program.
> Iowa Test of Basic  Skills is given in March to 3,4 but that info is really
> used to drive  instruction, and check for AYP - not to progress monitor,
> although  many parents use that information for that purpose.
> It is a struggle  trying to come up with an effective way to measure growth
> that  measures efficient problem solving and thinking strategies - creative
>  and standardized test thinking...all in a way that can be done not  taking
> more time than we already invest in testing!!
> I look  forward to finding out what others use. Thanks for putting the
>  question out there, Jen.
> Beth
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