This is more addressed to secondary teachers, and is not directly related to 
mosaic of thought, so I promise this will be my only discussion on this site, 
but it seemed appropriate with all the RtI discussion.  If you want to e-mail 
me about this privately I am glad to talk.
 As you read the national reports on RtI you'll see that not only are you 
offering a continum of services, beginning in the classroom and building with 
additional (outside of the gen ed classroom)  time in smaller groups, but you 
need to be using methods that are researched based.  I know that is a can of 
worms, but I am very comfortable with one model, that is even cited in some of 
the national material.
The Strategic Instruction Model comes out of the University of Kansas in 
Lawrence.  They understood the need for an RtI model before we were talking 
about it and have spent 30 years research validating their instructional 
strategies to address struggling learners in this time of information explosion.
If you're interested in knowing more this is a good webiste
Go to the bottom and click SIM
This model utlizes 2 "arms"...there are instructional routines for the gen. ed 
classroom to make curriculum access easier for all students, especially 
struggling.  And then for student who prove to need more there are Learning 
Strategies.  Every resource/inclusion/reading teacher I've known to use the 
strategies tells me it was the first time they knew they were given the 
students a strategy that was going to serve them year after year in almost all 
content areas.
You can contact KU to obtain information on using it at your site.
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