Last fall I wrote about our district's early reading intervention review 
committee that I am co-chairing.  This is an update of the work we have done so 
far.  The committee watched Linda Dorn's presentation on the Arkansas model and 
RTI that is available from the Reading Recovery website.  Thank you to the 
person on this listserve that recommended it.  We found it helpful.

The committee also participated in a webinar on the Kennewick, Washington 
school district, which was also a recommendation from this listserve.  We also 
briefly review other intervention programs such as Fountas and Pinnell's new 
Leveled Literacy Intervention and the Triumphs intervention program from 

Our next step is to make some site visits, three visits to schools in Wyoming.  
One is working on implementing the Arkansas model.  The other two consistently 
out perform our district on the state test.  We are also visiting Kennewick 
because we have numerous questions for them.  Kennewick is the district that 
made the reading goal that 90% of their students would reach state standards in 
reading by the end of the fourth grade.  They did this by providing extensive 
time for direct instruction to students reading below grade level.

My question for this group is what extra time do you give to your struggling 
readers during the school day.  How have you handled staffing and scheduling?  
Kennewick says the struggling reader may need at least 100 extra minutes of 
direct instruction beyond the core reading instruction each day.

Finally, I have a successful intervention to share with you.  One of our 
elementary schools piloted the program Tune-In to Reading.  This is an online 
fluency program that has students singing.  It claims to make at least one 
year's growth in reading in 10 weeks of interventions.  Nine out of the ten 
students that participated in Tune-In to Reading for 10 weeks, 5 days a week 
for 45 minutes at a time showed significant growth.  This growth also 
transferred to the winter DIBELS benchmark test and the winter MAP test.  The 
principal was amazed and very pleased at the results!  You can go to the 
website  (google tunein to reading) and check it out.  The sales rep will also 
set up a web preview for you.  These students future progress will be followed 
to see if the positive results continue without having the intervention.

Thank you to the members of the listserve for being a consistent source of 
great information on teaching reading!

Barb Parry
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