I would like to speak to the issue of departmentalization regarding specials. This year, I am one of the specials, as I am teaching Art to Kindergarten, First, and Second grades in three schools. I can tell you first hand that scheduling my art classes was an absolute nightmare for some classes. Which classes, you ask? Why, the classes that were departmentalizing. I actually had a teacher say to me, in a tone you don't want to ever hear coming from a colleague, "I am NOT giving up ANY of my reading time so I am picking my kids up 15 minutes early." And she does. And you know what? Her students do not get the same depth of instruction as every other art student in the entire district, because I am always rushed and turn out rushing them to finish what they are doing, and they never, ever, ever have time to reflect on their art work. Ever. At another school, the departmentalized teachers took one look at my time slots and said, "Not to start out on a bad note, but none of these times work for us, because we switch kids."

Add that to the fact that departmentalized teaching is done for the teachers' sake, not for the kids' sake. You will make a nightmare out of your specials time.


On Feb 11, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Yingling wrote:

I don't know of any specific research but I do know from my situation in 5th grade it's hard to do especially with scheduling. Scheduling seems to be a nightmare with us because of RTI, Specials, Lunch, and SMe (computer program everyone does). Since we are departmentalized our intervention teachers have problems scheduling our kids because of the times that they need to pull our kids - we don't have the right students, therefore, they end up taking our students during our reading time which they aren't suppose to be doing but there just isn't enough time in the day when our kids aren't departmentalized. This probably doesn't make sense, but I hope you get the idea.

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