Many years ago, before our district compiled its own set of running record 
assessments, our school used to use the Sucher-Allred Reading Assessment.  They 
were short passages with 4-5 questions to ask after reading orally.  Each 
question was a certain type -sequence question, main idea question, inference 
question... I can't really remember the details, I haven't used it in years.  
Here is a link:


The Sucher-Allred Group Reading Placement, used to determine the instructional 
reading level for students in grades 2-12. The test correlates well with other 
standard tests and is useful as an informal reading inventory. 


We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to 
be lit. -Robert Shaffer

> To:
> Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 07:56:46 -0400
> From:
> Subject: [MOSAIC] Reading Comprehension Assessment
> Hi All,
> Does anyone have a standard assessment that they like to diagnose specific 
> comprehension weaknesses?? I have used the DRA and IRI, but usually prefer to 
> assess comprehension through authentic text and my own observation.? I am 
> tutoring a student whose mother would like a more standardized diagnostic 
> assessment to share with her son's teachers- something that quantifies 
> whether he is lacking in inferences, predicting, making connections, etc.? I 
> know that these are behaviors that I could observe in him over time, but she 
> wants the info asap and I have met with him only once briefly.? Does such an 
> assessment exist?? Thanks in advance!
> Lauren Moreno
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