My oldest son is just finishing 5th grade and all through his school career,
teachers have questioned his ability to focus, his writing and organizational
skills, and that he'd get flustered when it came time to do the work after
the lesson and then he would shut down. In 4th grade, his teacher recommended
him for testing. So, we began the process but he tested out too high and so,
with some minor accommodations such as finding a quiet place to work, we were
without answers.  

This year we've had the same comments from his 5th grade teachers. At one
meeting, the teacher said, "orally, he's brilliant but it is like there is a
disconnect between what he thinks and what comes out his hand - it's like 2
different people!"  The other teacher recommended taking him to be assessed
outside of the school system. I called in March and we have our initial visit
with a psychologist June 23.  As a teacher of 16 years, I often see kids who
fall through the cracks because only the most GLARING of disabilities seem to
be identified in the school system. Other kids can sit on the waiting list or
be dismissed as my son was because their need is not as great as other

I think that some of the accommodations listed by some of you who posted, are
similar to my son. The multi step instructions, oral or written, tweaks me as
well as many others. I am hoping that by the time my son reaches high school,
in one year, that his teachers will be aware of his accommodations and that
it will help him to feel successful rather than "stupid" as he sometimes does
now. I keep trying to tell him that there are many different ways to get to
the same place and just because you may need to do things differently,
doesn't make you any less than anyone else. I am just lucky to teach in my
son's school and to have colleagues who are willing to help me with this
frustrating but hopefully rewarding journey. They try to help my son to see
his strengths, rather than harping on his weaknesses and for that I am truly
grateful. Any suggestions you have for me as I begin this journey are
Tammy Bush
Tammy Bush

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