All the teachers in my district (Elementary through High School), for that
matter in the valley, are required to have Professional growth hours every
year. The number of hours can fluctuate anywhere from 21 to 45 hours. You
have the choice of taking a class at the college, workshops or book
discussions. The hours may be done before school starts, or can be
fulfilled during the school year, if that is when they are offered. A list
of choices are posted and when they are offered, before the end of the
school year for the next year. You have to submit your plan, and then you
are given credit after participating. A reminder is sent to you in March to
let you know if you have fulfilled your hours or not. If you do not
complete your required hours by the end of the school year, you will not
receive your last paycheck until you have. I thought this was pretty
standard. You also have to have so many hours or credits to renew your
teaching certification for the state as well.
Trish Shults
Reading Recovery
Montessori Teacher
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie Perry" <>
To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group"
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:00 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] Professionalism
Hello everyone,
I have a side question for everyone. I know that at every school you can
find at least one more more teachers that say come the end of the year
they are not going to have anything to do with teaching all summer. I am
really curious as to how many teachers in your school, to your knowledge,
actually take it upon themselves to do their own professional development.
This can be in the form of reading, classes, or workshops.
What percentage of teachers at your school actually do this?
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