
I am not sure what kind of language impairment you are talking about, but
the best book I have read on Dyslexia and Reading is "Overcoming Dyslexia"
by Sally Shaywitz.

Kathy Prater
Reading Specialist in Training :)
Starkville Academy
Starkville, MS

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sara Rivers" <>
> To: "'Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group'"
> <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 8:08 AM
> Subject: [MOSAIC] want book on language impaired children and reading
>> As a reading specialist, I am looking for a good book on understanding
>> the
>> impact of language impairment on the acquisition of reading and how to
>> remediate it.  I have tried to read a couple of books that are for the
>> Speech/Language professional and I find them a bit dense for someone who
>> is
>> coming from a different discipline.  I guess I am looking for a more
>> indepth
>> book for the parent of a language impaired child.
>> Thanks Sara R

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