Not familiar with WTW. Question : do you need to buy a set of student books,
or are you allowed to copy pages from one student book?

Rand Raynor
3rd grade
David Douglas District

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Tammy Hutchinson

> As one of the literacy specialists for my K-6 school, I coordinate the
> Words
> Their Way program, making sure teachers have the materials they need and
> answering questions for teachers and parents. Teachers usually have about 3
> groups of students in WTW, usually divided between 3 stages. Typically, a
> classroom has 1 or 2 children significantly below most others, and they are
> often children served by EC. Teachers manage the three groups in a variety
> of ways, the most popular is having students 'begin' a new sort on
> different
> days. The blue group might be working in the Within Word Patterns level and
> be introduced to a new sort on Monday, the yellow group gets introduced
> their new list on Tuesday, etc. Thus works fine if a schedule is developed
> and stuck to AND you train parents that not all spelling happens on Monday
> and Friday. One teacher has a 20 minute word block that she is faithful to
> (to which she is faithful!). She works with 2 groups each day: the lowest
> group and one of the other 2 groups.
> Some teachers have paired students for quizzes with a consistent word study
> buddy. One week student A has a quiz given by student B, the next week
> student a gives Student B a quiz. That still gives these teachers several
> 'grades' for spelling: c. 4 weekly qizzes a 9-week grading period, plus
> other 'grades' for word hunts, homework, spelling editing in Writer's
> Workshop, etc.
> Some teachers have asked the EC teacher serving their child to manage
> spelling for that child and that has worked for some. We are flexible, as
> long as the child is having words appropriate to their spelling level;
> lists
> are reduced for some students.  Our AIG teacher does spelling/vocabulary
> with her students and that helps the homeroom teacher limit number of
> groups
> to some extent also. THe AIG teacher was happy to see the addition of a WTW
> Vocabulary Book for Derivational Stage middle school age students.
> Occasionally a few teachers stray from WTW-e.g. when reviewing for state
> testing I have noticed some 'spelling' lists that look just like a geometry
> vocabulary list or a list of literary terms! Some teachers use Spelling
> City
> as a homeowrk/practice site and you can find many of the WTW sorts already
> saved and available for sharing.
> Tammy Hutchinson, NBCT
> Literacy Specialist, Westwood ES, NC
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