One of our Mosaic members, Maureen Robins, has just put out a new book on 
teacher stress called-  The Pressures of Teaching: How Teachers Cope with 
Classroom Stress.

Maureen is the editor as well as an author of one chapter.  I took a look 
inside and read the first three chapters.  Great pieces!  For anyone who is 
teaching teachers or preservice teachers, these short text pieces would be 
excellent to discuss or to use to teach teachers to annotate their thinking. 
I found myself in each of the entries. This is very timely, needed book. 
Take a look for yourself:

To read the first few chapters:

Here is the link where you can read more about the book:

Maureen wanted to let us all know there is also a discussion about the book 
going on now on Facebook at:

Way to go Maureen!
Ginger Weincek

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