What a touching post.  It did my heart good!!
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Debbie Mason" <dma...@lexcs.org>
Sender: mosaic-bounces+beverleepaul=gmail....@literacyworkshop.org
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 15:09:32 
To: <mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
Reply-To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group"
Subject: [MOSAIC]  (Book Whisperer) Book Discussion Post

Hello to All,
I have also been a quiet reader and observer on this website gleaning ideas to 
share with teachers at my school.  I am an avid reader wanting to soak up as 
much knowledge as I can about reading, struggling readers and motivation.  I am 
pleased this book discussion has begun and know I'll gain additional insight as 
we go along.
1.  Remembering back to my early reading days, I was one of those children who 
would read under the covers with a flashlight, take books to the dinner table 
(a no-no with my mom :) ) or spend as much time as I could reading.  My 
favorite books were series books: Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, etc. and I 
absolutely loved tall tales and comic books (Spiderman, Superman, The Green 
Hornet).  Books were a way for me to travel all over the world, to experience 
new adventures, to become the character, to escape when necessary, to be 
thrilled by the action.  Books are a part of who I am and even now I cherish 
the opportunity to read whenever I can be it professional books, novels, 
series, etc.  I too as a teenager became hooked on the VC Andrews series as a 
young adult!!!  
2.  When I was in the classroom, books were everywhere and read aloud was my 
favorite time of the day which might explain why we had read aloud at least 3 
times each day in my classroom.  Today as an assistant principal I dress as 
book characters, do read alouds and continue to recommend books to the teachers 
I work with.  I am a believer in children spending their time reading and 
become a master reader.  For years there hasn't been enough time devoted to 
reading in school as one reads at home or in the "real world".  I agree it's 
time for all of us to change that and get back to the joy and love of books 
regardless of our age.
3.  As more and more emphasis is placed on testing, the joy of a great book and 
the wondrous literature of my childhood and today seems to be losing it's place 
in the education of our children.  It tears at my soul to see basal reading 
programs becoming the be all/end all for some schools and the time devoted to 
actually reading and escaping into the book deemed "inappropriate" by some.  Oh 
for a day when our children "hide under the covers with a flashlight" even in 
our classrooms!!
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