They have to be taught how to behave. First, make explicit what benefits come to them from being on task... What it is they are learning during this time... You need to create a sense of urgency. I do this by talking about the power of good writing... The power to make someone laugh or cry... The power to change someones mind... Or change their brains by teaching them something ... I hold up favorite books by authors who are long gone and talk about how writing can make u immortal in a way. Then I ask someone to share what is being lost when they are off task. Create a poster together of what it looks like, sounds like and feels like when you are on task and off... Then I would actually take time to have someone model proper behavior. I would also end with a sharing time where kids share what they accomplished ... Or use sone kind of self reflection piece for accountability


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On Dec 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:

Before school starts on Monday, I need to have a better plan for how to handle conferring in my classroom. I teach middle school. My students are fine during mini lessons or when they are working independently. When I have a conference with an individual or a small group, everything seems to fall apart. The rest of the class seems to think conferring means it's their opportunity to get off task. I've asked my colleagues for help, but all I've gotten is that I have to let the class know I expect them to keep working. That advice has not helped me. If you have a specific suggestion that has worked for you, please let me know. Thanks!

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