My daughter read this book with her class in fifth grade and loved it!

When the Tripods Came (1988)When the Tripods Came is a prequel written twenty 
years after the publication of the original "trilogy", and set in the late 
twentieth century.

In the second book of the main trilogy, one of the Masters tells the main 
character about the Masters' conquest of the Earth. The plot of the book 
follows the description of the conquest previously given. It is revealed that 
the Masters were afraid of the technological potential of Humanity and decided 
on a pre-emptive strike. Unable to defeat Humanity in a conventional war, the 
Masters use their superior mind-control technology to hypnotise part of 
Humanity through a television show called The Trippy Show, and then use the 
caps to control them permanently when they eventually land. The tripods then 
cap other people until the capped are in control in most places.

Like the narrator of the original trilogy, the narrator of When the Tripods 
Came is a young English boy, known as Laurie. As society slowly falls under the 
control of the Masters, he and his family escape to Switzerland, which adopted 
an isolationist stance to hold out against the initial invasion. Eventually it 
is invaded by France and Germany, who have fallen under the subjugation of the 
Masters, and the narrator is forced to flee into the Alps with his family as 
the Swiss are also enslaved by the Masters. Here, they establish the "White 
Mountains" resistance movement that features heavily in the original trilogy, 
and the book ends on a hopeful note.


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