Fitting it all in.  That really has become the question in this time of
high stakes testing.  I don't have THE answer but I have been struggling
with that issue myself.  What I try to do is focus on a skill such as
cause and effect and a strategy such as inferences at the same time during
a unit of study.  I point out to my students that a skill usually, though
not always, has a best answer. So these are the types of questions they
will see on multiple choice tests.  Skills measure surface understanding. 
A strategy is more open ended.  I teach my students that they use
strategies to better understand and enjoy what they are reading.  In my
district the skills are mapped out and mandated for each grade level on a
curriculum map.  I look out our curriculum map a decide where to add in
the comprehension strategies.
Any other ideas out there?

Sent from FirstClass with my iPad

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