The Writing Process Test (WPT) - developed by Robin Warden and Thomas
Hutchinson available through Pro-Ed.

A norm referenced assessment designed to assess the quality of students'
written products, the process they use to create those products as well as
their own perceptions and misperceptions about the strategic processes
related to effective writing. The WPT assesses the process and product from
two points of view - the writer's and the evaluators. A product rubric is
used with the following criteria: Development includes purpose, audience,
vocab, style/tone, support, organization/coherence and Fluency aspects -
sentence structure/variety, grammar, capitalization/punctuation and

WPT can be given to a whole class or individually - normed for grades 2 - 12
- and takes about 45 minutes total.

Hope that helps,


Judy Shenker
Learning Enrichment And Development (LEAD) Coordinator
Coordinatrice en enrichissement et développement de l¹apprentissage

Lower Canada College
4090, avenue Royal 
Montréal, Québec H4A 2M5
T: 514 482 9797 ext. 333
F: 514 482 0195 

Students first 
L'élève avant tout 
Celebrating 15 years of coeducation
LCC célèbre 15 ans d'éducation mixte

> From: "Palmer, Jennifer" <>
> Reply-To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group"
> <>
> Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 05:22:57 -0400
> To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group"
> <>
> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Written/ language and spelling  assessment
> Judy
> Tell me more about the writing process test...
> Jennifer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2011, at 11:19 PM, "Judy Shenker" <> wrote:
>> For written language, not spelling, I love The Writing Process Test
>> Judy
>> Sent from my iPhone
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