I completely agree that background knowledge is very important is reading comprehension. I'd love ideas from all of you about how to increase background knowledge for middle school students. When I have a student who is aware of current events, I always have a better class. Jan

Quoting rascal...@aol.com:
I 100% agree with ALL students having equal access to ALL of the
curriculum. I have been very privileged to work with students that do not perform
well on standardized tests and for years had been "pulled out" of the
classroom for "remedial" instruction. I fought hard for a push in model and it
works really well. I am completely dumbfounded by "theories" that state  the
students which need the most STABILITY in their daily routines are the ones
continually disrupted!
I am also a HUGE supporter of the arts in every sense of the word!  I  have
brilliant artists in my classroom yearly. I see the depth of knowledge  and
confidence my students feel when they are in art , music, or  PE!
Knowledge is not confined to a "text" book. There is so much evidence now that
supports background knowledge as the number one  component of good reading
comprehension. Doesn't that mean we need to EXPAND the students curriculum as
oppose to narrow it?
Just my thoughts....
Ali/4th grade/FL

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