Hi Kendall,
I think most teachers on this list teach kids younger than your 12th grader. I teach 8th grade. We have implemented a 30 minute reading period in my middle school. When I have students write about their reading during that time, I have students write something very brief. For example, What did you wonder about when you were reading? or what does this book remind you of? Students can write just a couple sentences. I do not want them to use the time to daydream. In regular class, I have students write more about their reading, but maybe the short response idea can help you. Jan

Quoting "K. Helt" <matermulto...@gmail.com>:
I’ve just read all 3 of Cris Tovani’s books, I’m half way through Mosaic
Thought 2nd edition and I’ve read some of Reading Strategies.   I’m very
excited to begin implementing the things I’ve been learning in my
homeschool.   My 12thgrade son scores high to very high on standardized
tests(PSAT, ACT, SAT), but I know that his comprehension is not what it
should be.  When he saw the book, *I Read it But I don’t Get it, * he said,
“That is the story of my life”. He was mostly trying to be cute, but there was definitely an element of truth in what he said. I don’t want to overdo the reading strategies and kill either the flow of
reading or the joy of reading.  Do you have your students write something
every day that shows the reading strategies they used?  Do they ever just
read?  What have you found to be a good balance? I’m thinking particularly
about literature, though I plan to implement practicing the strategies in
all subjects as needed. Thank you,
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