I read an interesting book a few years ago written by a dyslexic person called 
The Gift of Dyslexia. It definitely give you a different perspective.

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 20, 2011, at 8:05 AM, Rascal570 <rascal...@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a wonderful student in my fourth grade class this year who has a 
> medical diagnosis of dyslexia. I see it impacting both his reading and math 
> skills.  I was wondering if anyone has some great resources for me to read or 
> access in regard to ways to best teach this student.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Ali/FL
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Eve Dubois <ersdub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am making plans to do a book club / literature group study with my 4/5/6
>> class during our studies of Ancient Egypt and need some help with book
>> suggestions. I am planning to use *The Golden Goblet* which is a grade
>> level 5 to 6.3, depending on who you ask. I am looking for another book
>> with the Egypt theme for the children who would find *The Golden Goblet* too
>> challenging. The story doesn't have to be set in Ancient Egypt, although I
>> am hoping for as many connections as possible. The Magic Treehouse book(s)
>> would be too easy. Any ideas?
>> Thanks so much,
>> Eve
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> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 3:50 PM, kuko...@aol.com wrote:
>> Norma,
>> Last post on this one, I promise ...seems my last post got cut off.... have 
>> you considered having some consultants from reading and writing project do 
>> workshops on RW... one in particular that i love is Monique Lopez 
>> Paniaques from  Elmhust School in Queens, New York. . She is wonderful 
>> because she 
>> is in the  trenches as well as a consultant with Columbia background (I 
>> think 
>> a double  masters) and she is very familiar with upper elementary....I 
>> don't have her  email but perhaps you can track her down :)
>> ... even though I have attended many workshops from TC, Monique has a  
>> gentle way of breaking down the minilesson framework and  then provides  
>> templates for all the varieties of reading that can and should occur as  
>> prescribed 
>> by both RW and daily five with Cafe.... She makes a big deal about  the 
>> timing of the minilesson, the differences and need for all of the  
>> following... 
>> read aloud, guided groups, strategy groups, and independent  conferences 
>> and give sample lessons for all
>> .... she also has provided a wonderful comparison demonstration  model of 
>> kids who are only reading at 85% accuracy... 90% accuracy and 95%  
>> accuracy... which should drive the point home about why same text for all 
>> (even  class 
>> novels) is not the way to go....
>> then she shows how to make teaching points in the in a read aloud  only 
>> (with a class novel) so that kids who might not enjoy harder text still  
>> have 
>> access... as she guides the strategy or skill in that novel which is a  
>> whole separate piece away from reading workshop and done at a separate  
>> time... 
>> which she names as read aloud... ( again...not in the RW block but  a 
>> separate block later or earlier in the day)but as you can see the link is in 
>>  the 
>> strategy. I think this satisfies the best of all practices with no  
>> compromise at all.... of course depending on the number of groups during 
>> your  
>> reader's workshop (phase 2) requires much more effort on the teacher... but 
>> well  
>> worth it. 
>> Pam
>> In a message dated 8/19/2011 1:19:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
>> kuko...@aol.com writes:
>> Norma,
>> I think that RW is a huge piece if teachers have been doing  whole class  
>> novels... You are absolutely right that the Cafe model  will help ease some 
>> of  
>> the frenzy into a more manageable piece for  the independent part of 
>> reading 
>> workshop. That much said...more work  should be done with RW... have you  
>> considered having  so
>> In a message dated 8/17/2011 2:42:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time,  
>> hutch1...@juno.com writes:
>> In my  effort to be  succinct I clearly was very unclear!  Also I was 
>> trying 
>> to  word  it more positively than this.
>> We had been slowly implementing RW   in our building.  That's in no way to 
>> say everyone is  willing   and/or doing so successfully.  We still have 
>> many  
>> people dragging their  class thru the whole class novel.  Now we  are doing 
>> our PD on the Cafe  model (3-5 building).  My thought  is that for those 
>> that 
>> are attempting  to do RW, the Cafe will/might  provide them with management 
>> tools to perhaps  make it become a  reality.  But, how is this going to 
>> assist 
>> those less  willingly  and/or knowledgeable to move forward?  My thought is 
>> that I   don't see how it will.  But, I am hoping to be wrong and was 
>> throwing  
>> it  out to people who have had more experience with both to see what  they  
>> thought.
>> Hopefully this is clearer!    Thanks!
>> norma
>> An old man once said, "There comes a  time  in your life, when you walk 
>> away 
>> from all the drama and people  who create it.  You surround yourself with 
>> people who make you laugh.  Forget the bad, and  focus on the good. Love 
>> the 
>> people who treat you  right, pray for the ones who  don't. Life is too 
>> short to 
>> be anything  but happy. Falling down is a part of  life, getting back up is 
>> living."
>> ---------- Original Message  ----------
>> From:  elisawaingo...@gmail.com
>> To: "Mosaic: A Reading  Comprehension  Strategies Email Group"   
>> <mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
>> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Reading  Workshop  and/or Cafe model
>> Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:02:03  +0000
>> Norma and  others,
>> I'm confused. Why do you think that  CAFE is a management model and  how do 
>> you see RW as dragging the  class through the reading of a whole class  
>> novel? CAFE is not a  management tool (I prefer to use the word "system") 
>> but a  
>> "menu" of  strategies and skills you would use to guide your teaching of   
>> reading. D5 is the Sister's framework for managing a literacy block in  the 
>> classroom. The idea of D5 is to give kids time with authentic  literacy  
>> experiences. Reading Workshop has its own structures and is  far from being 
>> a  
>> framework for "dragging" a class through a whole  class novel. In fact, 
>> reading  
>> workshop is the best way I know how to  get away from the whole class novel 
>> as  
>> kids are reading books of  their own choice. I am curious (and baffled) as 
>> to  where people are  getting their definitions as regards these various 
>> literacy  models.  Thank you,
>> Elisa
>> Calgary
>> Sent on the TELUS Mobility network   with BlackBerry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "norma baker"   <hutch1...@juno.com>
>> Sender:   mosaic-bounces+elisawaingort5=gmail....@literacyworkshop.org
>> Date: Tue,  16  Aug 2011 11:40:19 
>> To:  <mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
>> Reply-To:  "Mosaic: A Reading  Comprehension Strategies Email  Group"
>> <mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
>> Subject: [MOSAIC] Reading  Workshop  and/or Cafe model
>> Our district was slowing inching  towards implementing  a Reading Workshop 
>> model (ala Calkins) and have  now shifted gears towards the  Cafe model.  I 
>> have questions for  anyone who's familiar with both.   How do you see them  
>> meshing?  What are the advantages of the Cafe over  the RW  model?  Are 
>> there 
>> any?  Do you have any advice for   us?
>> I guess my concerns are that the Cafe model looks great in  helping  with 
>> the management piece but is what I would consider to be  step 2 in this  
>> whole 
>> process.  We need to implement the model  (students reading on their  own 
>> level rather than drag the class thru  one novel) before teachers have  
>> something  to  manage.
>> Please share any insight you all have into   this!
>> Thanks!
>> norma
>> An old man once said,  "There  comes a time in your life, when you walk 
>> away 
>> from all the  drama and people  who create it. You surround yourself with 
>> people  who make you laugh. Forget  the bad, and focus on the good. Love 
>> the  
>> people who treat you right, pray for  the ones who don't. Life is too  
>> short to 
>> be anything but happy. Falling down  is a part of life,  getting back up is 
>> living."
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