Last year I field tested for the second time, a new component for DRA2 or rather a separate assessment component, a progress monitoring assessment that can be done quickly in comparison to the writing for comprehension piece of DRA2. It is still a running record assessment with approximately 6 quick questions that vary at different levels, from setting, vocabulary, synthesis ect. that should be out this fall. This could be done throughout the year and then use the full DRA2 for beginning and end of year.

Trish Shults

----- Original Message ----- From: "Saundra McDonald" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 17:55
Subject: [MOSAIC] I need suggestions about assessments

Our school is struggling with deciding what kind of reading assessment to use for grades 3-5. In the past we have used DIBELS (mandated by the administration) and DRA2. Our principal has expressed her concern that the DRAs take up too much instructional time to administer and some of the teachers feel there is not consistency from grade to grade in how they are given and so the results are not that helpful.

My question is what assessments do you use at your school? Has anyone used the Fontas and Pinnell system? If so, is it any less time consuming than the DRAs? What else is out there?

Thank you,
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