I used to teach first grade.  Have them draw their mental image after
reading the sentences.  Then answer the questions.  If they can't draw it
they have to back up and re-read until they can.
Hope that helps.

Mrs. SAchs

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Barbara Frerichs <baguzma...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I have a second grader and third grader who cannot answer literal
> questions e=
> ven after reading one or two sentences. I don't know if they don't
> understand the q=
> uestion or do not understand at all what they are reading.  Does anyone
> know=
> of any ideas for me to try? I don't know where to go with this. One reads
> q=
> uite fluently the other reads slowly. Both have a hard time organizing
> their=
> thoughts to speak or convey their ideas.
> Sent from my iPhone=
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