So is that the source of the request to add the two new genres?  In other
words, administrators are thinking about the new common core standards??
Keep in mind that a number of teachers/educators are challenging the
apprpriateness of at least some of those standards.  Remember they were not
created by teachers per se with lots of input and time put into thinking
them through.  Just an FYI. I've heard some horror stories.   We all need to
think critically.

I am not against teaching genres of around beyond narrative.  Just wanting
to be sure that inappropriate or non authentic demands are being made from
people who are not fully knowledgeable about teaching and learning.


On 1/10/12 4:14 PM, "" <> wrote:

> This is a response for Beth and anyone else following these comments. Im not
> sure what grade level you were inquiring about, but keep in the mind the new
> writing CCS for elementary K-5 is opinion writing not persuasive. Persuasive
> evokes more emotion and is writing to the audience to convince them to take
> action or share a belief. Opinion writing is stating a viewpoint and
> supporting it with reasons, facts and details in the upper grades.
I have used
> many of the mentor texts suggested  by others and they are all very good. But
> when planning for next year we have to remember the new common core
> standards
Donna/ NJ
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