Dear Mosaic group,
I am working on making my flexible groups in my readers workshop easier to
manage for my grade 2 classroom which is full of many gifted children.
Some of the groups that I am seeing develop are:

   - Understanding what the author's message is.
   - Understanding how to tell between the main author's message and
   - Reading with expression
   - Understanding what the text features are of a fiction book (most of
   them really get a non-fiction book but are still stuck on Fiction)
   - I'm sure there are many more I will see soon but they have not popped
   onto my radar yet.

I used to really waist my time and go through my guided reading books
looking for books that would go with each one of the flexible groups that I
was forming.  I'm sure there is some smart professor, website, book ,etc...
that has already thought of this idea and made lists of possible flexible
groups like: Author's message and all the leveled books that you can read
that really help you highlight Author's message in a clear way for kids in
the Lower Primary grades.

For example if I was working on reading with expression I may recommend any
of the *Froggy *books by Jonathon London.  They are great mentor texts for
expression.  Does anyone else know some book or web page that does this for
a long list of possible flexible groupings for reading with grade 2 kids?
I'm thinking I've seen something like this in one of Debbie Miller's books
does anyone know the Title?


Betty Nelson
Grade 2 Teacher
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