
I don't think kids should ever be *tested* for anything with a cold reading, so I think your idea of doing the district text with a *warm* reading is a good one. You might discover some things. :-)

Renee Goularte

On May 10, 2012, at 5:05 AM, Conner-Righter, Mary wrote:

I apologize in advance if this topic is a repeat of one I previously posed or if it is not suitable for this forum...We continue to debate the manner
of assessing fluency/accuracy for benchmark assessments.  We assess all
students with the DIBELS oral reading fluency in grades 1 and 2. However, we also have a district fluency/accuracy assessment, administered at the same time of the year by the classroom teacher. The debate is - should we be assessing both readings as 'cold' readings (DIBELS has to be done so.) or can we do the district assessment as a 'warm' (practiced) read in order to compare the students' performance on each type. Some feel that having a 'warm' read score would show if students are independently using strategies to work through the text. Students are only given a few seconds to try a strategy during the DIBELS read - they are then told the word if they give
no response.
Any thoughts?

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