I've been following the conversation and Liz, our district has developed 
formatives and summatives for ELA and math.  We have 2 formstive ELA tests and 
then a trimester.  We have the students use bubble sheets and then scan the 
information into Measures/Datawise.  It complies the info for individual 
classes and a grade level and breaks it down by standards.  It's very handy 
when looking for strengths and weaknesses.  Because my school is program 
improvement we went to workshops where we developed learning cycles using the 
standards that are "red" occur mostly on the state test.  We do a pretest, 
teach, post test, reteach (rti) and go on.  It's very handy.  Each grade level 
has 90 minutes a week to look at data and determine the direction for the grade 
level.  We share strategies and encouragement.  My principal is awesome.  She 
gives us leeway to group the children in flexible ways.  The teacher with the 
highest scores shares strategies and
 usually takes the reteach group.  Students who master the skill on the pretest 
(show mastery) go to an enrich group.  We had good results last year and are 
refining it for next year.
Hope this helps,
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