2009/2/20 Aditya <kad...@yahoo.com>:
> I'm trying to install moses onto a 64-bit linux machine. I have compiled
> srilm with the MACHINE_TYPE variable set to "i686-m64". Now, when compiling

as far as i remember from my last 64bit install, Moses gets the
architecture type from the result of an SRILM script.
in the SRILM toolkit, the architecture type is correctly reported
UNLESS you are on a 64bit machine.
this is to allow you to compile everything on a mixed-arch cluster
with one script (and secretly just compiles everything as 32bit).
i reported this as a bug, but it turns out it's a feature in SRILM :)

anyway, i edited the 'configure' file to comment out this line:
 #  MY_ARCH=`${with_srilm}/sbin/machine-type`
and replaced it with this:

and then Moses compiled just fine, with no makefile modifications.

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