Hi Joerg,

"grow" would be the closest to Franz's refined methods,
as far as I understand it. The methods vary in the number of
alignment points added - so AER may not be the most interesting
number, rather look at precision/recall.


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:29 PM, J.Tiedemann <j.tiedem...@rug.nl> wrote:
> hi,
> I'm just wondering if Och's "refined" heuristics is also implemented
> in Moses. The "grow-diag" is not exactly the same as far as I
> understand.
> The reason why I'm asking is because I found out that in all of my
> experiments with europarl data the "intersection" always produces  the
> best results in terms of AER (for example using the wpt03 data)
> whereas I see better performances reported for refined compared with
> intersection in various papers (also for the wpt03 data). However, I
> cannot believe that the grow-heuristics would perform so much worse
> than the original "refined" approach.
> My AER scores with standard GIZA settings and moses heuristics  for
> wpt03 data are the following:
> moses.intersect             AER = 0.0613
> moses.grow-diag             AER = 0.0843
> moses.grow-diag-final-and   AER = 0.0926
> moses.grow-diag-final       AER = 0.1312
> moses.srctotgt              AER = 0.1039
> moses.tgttosrc              AER = 0.1162
> moses.union                 AER = 0.1444
> does this sound reasonable?
> Jorg
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