you can't supply language models for both directions:  you need to
supply them for the target and not the source


2009/10/22 Ivan Uemlianin <>:
> Dear All
> I am using Moses with irstlm.  The language pair I am developing is
> English and Welsh.  I have built language models, and I am now exploring
> train-factored-phrase-model.perl.
> My question is: which language model should I supply to the perl script,
> or should I supply both (I have built a separate language model for each
> language), and how?
> Below is the script I'm using (I've wrapped the perl command in a shell
> script for readability).  This script runs without errors, but I should
> like to know if I'm supplying the language models correctly:
>    #! /bin/bash
>    SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR=/path/to/moses_scripts
>    ROOT_DIR=/path/to/project
>    FSTEM=project_name
>    nohup  nice
>    $SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/training/Train-factored-phrase-model.perl  \
>    -scripts-root-dir  $SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR    \
>    -root-dir  $ROOT_DIR                   \
>    -corpus  $ROOT_DIR/corpws/$FSTEM.tok   \
>    -f  cy   \
>    -e  en   \
>    -alignment  grow-diag-final-and    \
>    -reordering  msd-bidirectional-fe  \
>    -lm  0:3:$ROOT_DIR/lm_irst/$  \
>    -lm  0:3:$ROOT_DIR/lm_irst/$FSTEM.en.irstlm.gz:1  \
>    1> $FSTEM.fphm.out  \
>    2> $FSTEM.fphm.err  &
> Thanks and best wishes
> Ivan
> --
> ********************************
> Ivan Uemlianin
> Canolfan Bedwyr
> Safle'r Normal Site
> Prifysgol Bangor University
> Gwynedd
> LL57 2PZ
> ********************************
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