Dear list members,
        Now I can compile moses under Visual Studio 2008 in Windows Vista.
Meanwhile, I can compile (with default existed Makefile) and debug moses
under Code::Blocks in Ubuntu 9.10.
        Everything goes well in Code::Blocks under Ubuntu 9.10. I can debug
and trace the running of moses on some gzipped models. However,
Code::Blocks' gdb debugger can not display stl containers easily. So I
changed to Visual Studio again.
        But with the same moses.ini and models, I can not get the right
result. Each input word gets the same UNK result. After analysis, I found
out that moses can not load phrase table right. I found there were two
additional VC projects in moses.sln, processPhraseTable and
processLexicalTable. Should I use the two additional program to convert my
models for Visual Studio running?
         Is there any friend encountered the same problem as mine? Could
anyone give me some hints?
         Truly thanks a lot in advance.

Best wishes;
Jun Lang
Moses-support mailing list

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