I have a question about scores for individual translation hypotheses.
I would like to get some kind of confidence measure for a particular 
phrase translation used in a given translation hypothesis.

Does it make sense to compute the difference between the current score 
(using hypo->GetScore()) and the score at the previous step 
(hypo->GetPrevHypo()->GetScore())? This ignores any future score 
estimations if I understand correctly but that should be OK, shouldn't 
it? (I don't want to include any other costs here because I'm only 
interested in the confidence of the current hypo within the translation 
candidate.) By the way, this difference can be a positive value, right? 
It only depends on the weights and feature values, doesn't it? But would 
it make sense to have a fixed threshold for defining some level of 
confidence for this candidate? Probably not ....?!

Thanks for any comments,


  Jörg Tiedemann                      jorg.tiedem...@lingfil.uu.se
  Dep. of Linguistics and Philology
  Uppsala University                  tel: +46 (0)18 - 471 1412
  Box 635, SE-751 26 Uppsala/SWEDEN   fax: +46 (0)18 - 471 1094
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