Dear Mosers and Mosettes

For your delectation and degustation, we are rolling out a new version 
of moses which adds a bunch of new features and fixed a few bugs too. 
Download at the usual location, or SVN update the trunk.

This is probably the last version to support only 1 model during 
decoding. Barry Haddow is waiting in the wings to merge changes into the 
trunk which alllows you to choose which phrase-table, LM, weights etc, 
to use at runtime. It's a big change so we will also tag this release in 
SVN as

Hope you like it, let us know of any problems pdq.


Changes since 24th April, 2010:
1. Add option of retaining alignment information in the phrase-based 
phrase table. Decoder loads this information if present. (Hieu Hoang & 
Raphael Payen)
2. When extracting rules, if the source or target syntax contains an 
escape sequence (anything other than "<", ">", "&", "&apos",
and "&quot") then write a warning message and skip the sentence pair
(instead of asserting).
3. In, calculates the 
p-value and confidence intervals not only using BLEU, but also the NIST 
score. (Mark Fishel)
4. Dynamic Suffix Arrays (Abbey levenberg)
5. Merge multithreaded moses into moses (Barry Haddow)
6. Continue partial translation (Ondrej Bojar and Ondrej Odchazel)
7. Bug fixes, minor bits & bobs. (Philipp Koehn, Christian Hardmeier, 
Hieu Hoang, Barry Haddow, Phil Williams, Ondrej Bojar, Abbey, Mark 
Mishel, Lane Schwartz, Nicola Bertoldi, Raphael, ...)

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