note also that NIST changed to IBM BLEU recently which has a different
treatment of multiple references.

(mteval 13 uses IBM BLEU if i recall)

generally the BLEU scores will be a little lower than before, but MERT
performance should be more robust


On 17 October 2010 09:57, liu chang <> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Somayeh Bakhshaei
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have some question about
>> 1) It can not use multi-reference with mteval what is a equivalent tool for 
>> this aim?
>> 2) I tried multi-bleu.perl, but the scores reduced ! while we expect to 
>> increase while adding more reference sets !! How it is may?
>> 3) I test and multi-bleu.perl in equivalent situations, they 
>> do not always agree ! sometimes mteval and sometimes the other gives better 
>> scores. Is there any problem?
>> 4) and at the end, isn't there any better tool with the property of 
>> multi-reference?
> Hi Somayeh,
> BLEU has defined treatment for multiple references from the very
> beginning (see the original Papineni et al 2002 paper for details).
> Any implementation of BLEU that does not support multiple references
> should be considered defective.
> Personally I've always used mteval-v13a from
> which has no problem
> dealing with multiple references at all. All you need to do is to
> provide the multiple references as multiple doc sections in your
> reference set:
> <doc docid="document" sysid="r1">
>  <seg>...</seg>
>  ...
> </doc>
> <doc docid="document" sysid="r2">
> ...
> Disclaimer: The above definitely works for v13a but I'm not
> specifically familiar with v11b.
> Cheers,
> Liu Chang
> National University of Singapore
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