> Hi all,
> I'm trying to figure out if Moses, in its current state, allows for
> forced decoding?
> I've understood that Lane Schwartz implemented it for his multi-source
> translation (Schwartz, 2008)
> and it is used by Auli et al. (2009). Is this implementation merged back
> to the trunk?
> If not in which branch could it be found?
> Any guidance would be highly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Nadi

The code that I used for my multi-source translation paper (Schwartz, 2008)
is in trunk (since r1857, as per the footnote in the paper). To use, specify
a file of existing translations using the -constraint flag. This file needs
to have one sentence per line, and should be the same number of lines as
your input.

The constraint decoding implemented for -constraint is pretty restrictive.
If it can't find an path through the translation lattice that exactly
produces the constraining sentence, it will fail to produce any translation
for that sentence. In other words, if you specify "the man walks there" as
your constraint, and the best the decoder can find is "the man walk there",
translation will fail for that sentence.

I did some work at the Prague MT Marathon to try and fix this issue, but
that code is not in trunk, and I haven't touched it in a long time. Most of
that code should be in the lane_mtm3 branch, but some also may be in the
mt3_constraint branch (Hieu helped by implementing a WER component),

Let me know if you plan to do any coding to extend constraint decoding.

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