Hi Sylvain

Don't worry, it's just that the debug messages need cleaned up

[bhaddow@odin moses]$ grep -i 'Start loading Phrase' moses/src/*.cpp
moses/src/PhraseDictionary.cpp:      PrintUserTime("Start loading phrase table 
from " +  m_filePath);
PrintUserTime(string("Start loading PhraseTable ") + filePath);

And if you're using a binarised phrase table, moses will report that it's 
loading the table, even though it isn't. The problem is that some of the 
debug messages are used by the regression tests so cleaning them up is more 
difficult than it should be,

best regards - Barry

On Wednesday 23 February 2011 12:34, Sylvain Raybaud wrote:
> hello
> I just noticed that moses seems to be loading the phrase table two times :
> Start loading PhraseTable
> /global/markov/raybauds/MODELS/GIZA-MOSES-EUROPARL-
> WMT09/fr-en/model/phrase-table.gz : [13.000] seconds
> filePath: /global/markov/raybauds/MODELS/GIZA-MOSES-EUROPARL-WMT09/fr-
> en/model/phrase-table.gz
> Finished loading phrase tables : [13.000] seconds
> Start loading phrase table from /global/markov/raybauds/MODELS/GIZA-MOSES-
> EUROPARL-WMT09/fr-en/model/phrase-table.gz : [13.000] seconds
> the file is exactly the same the two times. Is that normal? It does not
> seem to be the case on the example given on
> http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.Tutorial
> You'll find my moses.ini attached. I obtained the similar behavior with
> different configuration files.
> Maybe it's nothing, maybe it has always been that way, I can't remember. I
> just find it strange. I'm currently running moses compiled from the last
> svn version.
> regards,

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