
i am trying to run moses by giving:-


echo "hi"| TMP=/tmp /home/nakul/moses/mosesdecoder/trunk/moses-cmd/src/moses
-i s -v 2

but i get following error at the console where i run it:-
nakul@nlap:~$ echo "hi"| TMP=/tmp
/home/nakul/moses/mosesdecoder/trunk/moses-cmd/src/moses -config
-i s -v 2
Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):

    distortion-file: 0-0 wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff 6

    distortion-limit: 6
    input-factors: 0
    input-file: s
    lmodel-file: 0 0 3

    mapping: 0 T 0
    ttable-file: 0 0 0 5

    ttable-limit: 20
    v: 0
    verbose: 2
    weight-d: 0.000181 0.001952 0.001871 0.000044 0.000035 -0.001831
    weight-l: 0.006173
    weight-t: 0.000006 0.015365 0.159487 0.000179 -0.757147
    weight-w: -0.054585
    -beam-threshold (b): threshold for threshold pruning
    -cache-path: ?
    -clean-lm-cache: clean language model caches after N translations
(default N=1)
    -config (f): location of the configuration file
    -consensus-decoding (con): use consensus decoding (De Nero et. al. 2009)
    -constraint: Location of the file with target sentences to produce
constraining the search
    -cube-pruning-diversity (cbd): How many hypotheses should be created for
each coverage. (default = 0)
    -cube-pruning-pop-limit (cbp): How many hypotheses should be popped for
each stack. (default = 1000)
    -description: Source language, target language, description
    -disable-discarding (dd): disable hypothesis discarding
    -distortion: configurations for each factorized/lexicalized reordering
    -distortion-file: source factors (0 if table independent of source),
target factors, location of the factorized/lexicalized reordering tables
    -distortion-limit (dl): distortion (reordering) limit in maximum number
of words (0 = monotone, -1 = unlimited)
    -drop-unknown (du): drop unknown words instead of copying them
    -early-discarding-threshold (edt): threshold for constructing hypotheses
based on estimate cost
    -factor-delimiter (fd): specify a different factor delimiter than the
    -generation-file: location and properties of the generation table
    -global-lexical-file (gl): discriminatively trained global lexical
translation model file
    -glue-rule-type: Left branching, or both branching. 0=left. 2=both.
1=right(not implemented). Default=0
    -include-alignment-in-n-best: include word alignment in the n-best list.
default is false
    -input-factors: list of factors in the input
    -input-file (i): location of the input file to be translated
    -inputtype: text (0), confusion network (1), word lattice (2) (default =
    -labeled-n-best-list: print out labels for each weight type in n-best
list. default is true
    -lattice-hypo-set: to use lattice as hypo set during lattice MBR
    -link-param-count: Number of parameters on word links when using
confusion networks or lattices (default = 1)
    -lmbr-map-weight: weight given to map solution when doing lattice MBR
(default 0)
    -lmbr-p: unigram precision value for lattice mbr
    -lmbr-pruning-factor: average number of nodes/word wanted in pruned
    -lmbr-r: ngram precision decay value for lattice mbr
    -lmbr-thetas: theta(s) for lattice mbr calculation
    -lminimum-bayes-risk (lmbr): use lattice miminum Bayes risk to determine
best translation
    -lmodel-dub: dictionary upper bounds of language models
    -lmodel-file: location and properties of the language models
    -lmstats (L): (1/0) compute LM backoff statistics for each translation
    -mapping: description of decoding steps
    -max-chart-span: maximum num. of source word chart rules can consume
(default 10)
    -max-partial-trans-opt: maximum number of partial translation options
per input span (during mapping steps)
    -max-phrase-length: maximum phrase length (default 20)
    -max-trans-opt-per-coverage: maximum number of translation options per
input span (after applying mapping steps)
    -mbr-scale: scaling factor to convert log linear score probability in
MBR decoding (default 1.0)
    -mbr-size: number of translation candidates considered in MBR decoding
(default 200)
    -minimum-bayes-risk (mbr): use miminum Bayes risk to determine best
    -monotone-at-punctuation (mp): do not reorder over punctuation
    -n-best-factor: factor to compute the maximum number of contenders
(=factor*nbest-size). value 0 means infinity, i.e. no threshold. default is
    -n-best-list: file and size of n-best-list to be generated; specify - as
the file in order to write to STDOUT
    -non-terminals: list of non-term symbols, space separated
    -output-factors: list if factors in the output
    -output-hypo-score: Output the hypo score to stdout with the output
string. For search error analysis. Default is false
    -output-search-graph (osg): Output connected hypotheses of search into
specified filename
    -output-search-graph-extended (osgx): Output connected hypotheses of
search into specified filename, in extended format
    -output-word-graph (owg): Output stack info as word graph. Takes
filename, 0=only hypos in stack, 1=stack + nbest hypos
    -persistent-cache-size: maximum size of cache for translation options
(default 10,000 input phrases)
    -phrase-drop-allowed (da): if present, allow dropping of source words
    -print-alignment-info: Output word-to-word alignment into the log file.
Word-to-word alignments are takne from the phrase table if any. Default is
    -print-alignment-info-in-n-best: Include word-to-word alignment in the
n-best list. Word-to-word alignments are takne from the phrase table if any.
Default is false
    -print-all-derivations: to print all derivations in search graph
    -recover-input-path (r): (conf net/word lattice only) - recover input
path corresponding to the best translation
    -report-all-factors: report all factors in output, not just first
    -report-all-factors-in-n-best: Report all factors in n-best-lists.
Default is false
    -report-segmentation (t): report phrase segmentation in the output
    -rule-limit: a little like table limit. But for chart decoding rules.
    -search-algorithm: Which search algorithm to use. 0=normal stack, 1=cube
pruning, 2=cube growing. (default = 0)
    -source-label-overlap: What happens if a span already has a label. 0=add
more. 1=replace. 2=discard. Default is 0
    -stack (s): maximum stack size for histogram pruning
    -stack-diversity (sd): minimum number of hypothesis of each coverage in
stack (default 0)
    -time-out: seconds after which is interrupted (-1=no time-out, default
is -1)
    -translation-details (T): for each best translation hypothesis, print
out details about what sourcce spans were used, dropped
    -translation-option-threshold (tot): threshold for translation options
relative to best for input phrase
    -ttable-file: location and properties of the translation tables
    -ttable-limit (ttl): maximum number of translation table entries per
input phrase
    -unknown-lhs: file containing target lhs of unknown words. 1 per line:
LHS prob
    -use-alignment-info: Use word-to-word alignment: actually it is only
used to output the word-to-word alignment. Word-to-word alignments are taken
from the phrase table if any. Default is false.
    -use-persistent-cache: cache translation options across sentences
(default true)
    -verbose (v): verbosity level of the logging
    -weight-d (d): weight(s) for distortion (reordering components)
    -weight-e (e): weight for word deletion
    -weight-file (wf): file containing labeled weights
    -weight-generation (g): weight(s) for generation components
    -weight-i (I): weight(s) for word insertion - used for parameters from
confusion network and lattice input links
    -weight-l (lm): weight(s) for language models
    -weight-lex (lex): weight for global lexical model
    -weight-t (tm): weights for translation model components
    -weight-u (u): weight for unknown word penalty
    -weight-w (w): weight for word penalty
    -xml-input (xi): allows markup of input with desired translations and
probabilities. values can be 'pass-through' (default), 'inclusive',
'exclusive', 'ignore'

After this the execuable exits.

Please tell what is the problem and how to solve it....

Thanks & Regards,
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