From the error it appears that you are running MERT on hundreds of
thousands of sentences.  It generally only needs ~1000 sentences.

2011/5/30 [Intra] Mariusz Hawryłkiewicz <>:
> Hello Moses team!
> I just wanted to ask you if it’s normal for mert to run over 10 days on a
> multicore machine (2 processors with 8 cores – AMD Opteron) and 24GB of RAM?
> The bilingual corpora is about 400k sentences large, and I am running mert
> with the following command:
> /moses/install/skrypty/scripts-20110516-1443/training/
> /moses/korpusy/ERP_test/lowercased/erp.lowercased.en
> /moses/korpusy/ERP_test/lowercased/
> /moses/install/moses/moses-cmd/src/moses /moses/install/model/moses.ini
> --working-dir /moses/korpusy/ERP_test/tuning/ --rootdir
> /moses/install/skrypty/scripts-20110516-1443/
> --mertdir=/moses/install/moses/mert/ --decoder-flags "-v 0 -threads 16" >&
> /moses/korpusy/ERP_test/tuning/mert.out &
> Over these 10 days mert was able to run just 2 iterations and generated some
> moses.ini file with weights, but mert.out file shows that the process wasn’t
> finished at all. It ended up suddenly and the last message is:
> Translating line 246297 in thread id
> Isuppose this is not normal mert behavior.. what am I doing wrong then?
> Thanks for any hint on the issue!
> Best regards
> Mariusz
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