"Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators"
Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC 2011)
Attendance of the workshop is FREE. If you wish to participate, you HAVE TO 
REGISTER at http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2011/Registration.html

The EuroMatrixPlus Project (http://www.euromatrixplus.eu), the Centre for Next 
Generation Localisation (CNGL) (http://cngl.ie), the Directorate-General for 
Translation (DGT, European Commission) (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation) 
and Autodesk (http://www.autodesk.ch) are co-organising the Third Joint 
EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC 2011), entitled “Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets 
The JEC 2011 workshop will be hosted by the Directorate General for Translation 
(DGT) (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation) in Luxembourg on October 14th, 
2011. In keeping with previous JECs, the format of the workshop is highly 
interactive with research paper presentations, invited talks and a panel 

• Premise:
Recent years have seen a revolution in MT triggered by the emergence of 
statistical approaches and improvements in translation quality. MT (rule-based, 
statistical and hybrid) is now available for many languages for free (on the 
Web) or for a fee and MT technologies are making strong inroads into the 
corporate localisation and translation industries as well as large public and 
administrative organisations dealing with multi-lingual content. Open-source MT 
solutions are competing with proprietary products. Increasing numbers of 
(professional) translators are post-editing TM/MT output. MT is a reality for 
internet users accessing and gisting content which is not available in their 
native language.
At the same time, there has been a degree of disconnect between mainstream 
academic research and conferences on MT, often (and rightly so) focusing on 
algorithms to improve translation quality, and many of the important practical 
issues that need to be addressed to make MT maximally useful in real 
translation and localisation workflows, with human translators and users in 

• Objectives:
JEC 2011 brings together translators, users, academic and industrial MT 
researchers and developers to discuss issues that are most important in real 
world industrial settings and applications involving MT, but currently 
under-represented in research circles.

• Invited Speakers:
Lucia Specia, RIILP, UK: "Quality Estimation for Machine Translation: Different 
Users, Different Needs"
Jörg Porsiel, Volkswagen, Germany: "Machine translation at Volkswagen"
Arle Lommel, GALA Global, USA: Panel Discussion

• List of Accepted Papers for Oral Presentation:
1. "SmartMATE: Online Self-Serve Access to State-of-the-Art SMT"
        Andy Way, Kenny Holden, Lee Ball and Gavin Wheeldon
2. "User-Focused Task-Oriented MT Evaluation for Wikis: A Case Study"
        Federico Gaspari, Antonio Toral and Sudip Kumar Naskar
3. "Towards Application of User-Tailored Machine Translation"
        Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Raivis Skadiņš and Inguna Skadiņa
4. "A Review of Machine Translation Tools from a Post-Editing Perspective"
        Lucas Vieira and Lucia Specia
5. "Using Statistical Machine Translation for Computer-Aided Translation at the 
European Commission"
        Andreas Eisele and Caroline Lavecchia

The workshop program is available at 
Abstracts of the accepted papers are available at 
http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2011/List_of_Accepted_Papers.html and from 
the program page.

• Deadlines (all 23:59 GMT -11):
30th September: Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers
9th October: On-line registration closes
14th October: Workshop takes place at DGT in Luxembourg


Workshop Chair:
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk)

Workshop Senior PC:
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk)
Andreas Eisele (DGT)
Philipp Koehn (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Josef van Genabith, Declan Groves (CNGL)

Program Committee:
Submitted papers were reviewed by a joint industry–academia committee.
Industry members:  Pedro L. Díez-Orzas (Linguaserve), Marc Dymetman (XRCE), 
Andreas Eisele (DGT of the EC), Daniel Grasmick (Lucy Software), Michael 
Jellinghaus (EU Parliament), Will Lewis (Microsoft), Yanjun Ma (Baidu), 
François Masselot (Autodesk), Alexandros Poulis (EU Parliament), Johann 
Roturier (Symantec), Andy Way (Applied Language Solutions), Zoran Zakic (DGT of 
the EC), Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk) 
Academic members: Michael Carl (CBS, Denmark), Jinhua Du (Xi’ian Univ. of 
Technology), Josef van Genabith (CNGL, EM+), Declan Groves (CNGL), Philipp 
Koehn (EM+), Philippe Langlais (University of Montreal), Alon Lavie (CMU), 
Pavel Pecina (CNGL), Michel Simard (NCR, Canada), Lucia Specia (RIILP, UK), 
Eiichiro Sumita (NICT, Japan), John Tinsley (CNGL, PLuTO), David Vilar (DFKI, 
Germany), Martin Volk (UZH, Switzerland)

For inquiries please contact Dr. Ventsislav Zhechev at emcnglworks...@me.com 

For up-to-date information, please visit 
For information about the First Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop, please visit 
For information about the Second Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop, please visit 
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