hi german

I don't think decoding is guaranteed to give the same results in 2 consecutive runs, for the same model and input. This email thread was discussing this issue
However, I'm not sure how much different 2 runs can be.

You might wanna talk to Christian Buck who I think is trying to bash the search graph output into something more useful

On 24/10/2011 23:05, Germán Sanchis Trilles wrote:
Hello list,

I was trying to output a search graph with both the single model scores and the transition value. While the single model scores are produced by the option -osgx, the transition value is only present when using the option -osgx. Since I am not doing this myself, I thought that the best choice would be to output both files by rerunning Moses (since they seem to be exclusive) and then merge both into a single file. However, I found a problem when doing so, which is that both files do not have the same number of lines (and hence I assume that the original search-graphs did not have the same amount of edges. So I would have two questions, I guess:

- Why is there information produced by -osg that is not present when specifying -osgx?
- Why are -osg and -osgx exclusive? Is this really the desired behaviour?
- Finally, if the same moses.ini is specified with the same models, why are the search graphs not identical? Are there random initialisations (or something similar) that account for this behaviour?

the command lines used when observing these results were pretty simple, i.e. moses -f <moses.ini> -i <file> [-osg|-osgx]

Thanks in advance for your answer,

best regards,

Germán Sanchis-Trilles

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