Hi all,

I've got a quick question regarding the tuning of hierarchical phrase-based
models. When calling mert, my terminal outputs an error I can't find in the
mailing lists: 

main::create_extractor_script() called too early to check prototype at
./mert-moses.pl line 666

The script didn't stop at that point and finished processing, but only
performed two mert runs. The created phrase-table in
my/path/to/tuning/mert/filtered resulted in a 0 Mbyte file. The moses ini I
passed to mert was configured with KenLM.

That's my call:

-working-dir /home/user/moses/chart/tuning/mert
-mertdir /home/user/moses/mosesdecoder/mert
-rootdir /home/user/moses/mosestools/scripts-20111024-1127

Any guesses how to fix this? Help is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

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