Hi Barry,
here's the output of bjam -q -d+2 when using g++ 4.6.1 after a fresh 
install: http://pastebin.com/Vhrya3y1

I hope it helps tracking down the bug. Feel free to ask for any other 



Al 12/23/2011 07:45 PM, En/na Barry Haddow ha escrit:
> Hi Mikel
> I did get a report of problems with a very recent g++, but the reporter
> stopped responding to emails before we got to the bottom of it.
> Could you try running bjam with -q (so that it will stop at the first error)
> and -d+2 (so that it will report the commands that it's running)
> The bjam build places all the binaries into a dist/bin directory, by default,
> but afaik it also puts a copy of moses in moses-cmd/src for backwards
> compatibility,
> cheers - Barry
> On Friday 23 Dec 2011 18:39:40 Mikel Forcada wrote:
>> Thanks a lot, Barry.
>> I tried to compile moses from github as explained in
>> :http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Development.GetStarted .
>> However the build failed as I don't get any "moses" inside moses-cmd.
>> bjam says:
>> ...failed gcc.link
>> misc/bin/gcc-4.6.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi/que
>> ryLexicalTable... ...skipped
>>   <p/home/mikel/tmp/mosesdecoder/dist/bin>queryLexicalTable for lack of
>> <pmisc/bin/gcc-4.6.1/release/debug-symbols-on/link-static/threading-multi>q
>> ueryLexicalTable... ...failed updating 36 targets...
>> ...skipped 48 targets...
>> ...updated 4 targets...
>> Is this also related to the fact that I am using 4.6.1? Or am I doing
>> something wrong?
>> Cheers
>> Mikel
>>    Al 12/23/2011 07:29 PM, En/na Barry Haddow ha escrit:
>>> Hi Mikel
>>> That's a very old version of moses. It's moved to github now, so I'd
>>> recommend you grab the latest from
>>> https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.
>>> Your versions of giza and irstlm are also out-of-date, so you should go
>>> for the latest versions, especially with an up-to-date compiler,
>>> cheers - Barry
>>> On Friday 23 Dec 2011 17:53:38 Mikel Forcada wrote:
>>>> Dear moses-support
>>>> The hybrid EBMT/SMT system OpenMaTrEx (http://www.openmatrex.org) uses
>>>> GIZA++, Moses and IRSTLM. We provide an installer in the webpage for
>>>> version 0.98 (http://openmatrex.org/OpenMaTrEx-installer-0.98
>>>> <http://openmatrex.org/OpenMaTrEx-installer-0.98>) which compiled with
>>>> g++ 4.4 after the usual GIZA++ patch:
>>>> Giza++ 1.0.3 (patched withhttp://www.openmatrex.org/giza-pp.patch as
>>>> shown in http://code.google.com/p/giza-pp/issues/detail?id=11#c4) IRSTLM
>>>> 5.22.01 Moses rev. 3284
>>>> But now, with g++ 4.6.1, I get errors when compiling one of the files in
>>>>    Moses: FloydWarshall.cpp.
>>>> I have also tried with later versions:
>>>> # Giza++ 1.0.5 (also patched as above)
>>>> # IRSTLM 5.50.02
>>>> # Moses rev. 3739
>>>> Gives the same problem.
>>>> Am I using too old a version of Moses? Should I consider preparing a new
>>>>    installer for OpenMaTrEX using later versions of all three packages?
>>>> Or is there a quick patch for FloydWarshall.cpp to compile?
>>>> Thanks a lot! And happy Festivus!
>>>> Mikel

Mikel L. Forcada (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/)
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes InformĂ tics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03071 Alacant, Spain
Phone: +34 96 590 9776
Fax: +34 96 590 9326

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