I would only put in evidence that irstlm is not responsible for the very large 
loading time .
In fact, it starts and ends in less than 1 second (start at 49 seconds and end 
at the same time)

So probably as Barry mention, you have to use binarized version of the phrase 
and reordering tables

In the configuration file where you specify the translation table
the first field is set to 1, meaning that your phrase table is binarized,

Are you sure that you actually created it?
In other words, do you have a set of files like


On Mar 2, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Barry Haddow wrote:

> Hi Shweta
> Here's some suggestions:
> - Make sure you binarise the reordering model too
> - Try with kenlm instead of irstlm
> - make sure your binarised files are on a local disk (not nfs!)
> - Remember that you can translate a batch of sentences in one moses run
> cheers - Barry
> On Friday 02 March 2012 17:15:35 shweta porwal wrote:
>> Hi im building an smt web translation system using your given guidelines on
>> moses home.
>> The translations are good , but even after doing the steps of memory
>> management for speeding up the translation given in the step by step guide
>> , I am still facing delay in translation output due to disk access times.
>> According to the guide it should not load the entire phrase table every
>> time, but I guess I have missed something.
>> the output of echo command is:
>> echo "mardi" | /opt/tools/moses/dist/bin/moses -f
>> /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/moses-bin.ini
>> Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
>>      config: /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/moses-bin.ini
>>      distortion-file: 0-0 wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff 6
>> /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe
>>      distortion-limit: 6
>>      input-factors: 0
>>      lmodel-file: 1 0 3 /home/ssp/smt/etof/lm/europarl-v6.blm.mm
>>      mapping: 0 T 0
>>      ttable-file: 1 0 0 5 /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/phrase-table
>>      ttable-limit: 20
>>      weight-d: 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
>>      weight-l: 0.5000
>>      weight-t: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
>>      weight-w: -1
>> Loading lexical distortion models...have 1 models
>> Creating lexical reordering...
>> weights: 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300
>> Loading table into memory...done.
>> Start loading LanguageModel /home/ssp/smt/etof/lm/europarl-v6.blm.mm :
>> [49.000] seconds
>> In LanguageModelIRST::Load: nGramOrder = 3
>> Language Model Type of /home/ssp/smt/etof/lm/europarl-v6.blm.mm is 1
>> blmt
>> loadbin()
>> lmtable::loadbin_dict()
>> dict->size(): 41308
>> loadbin_level (level 1)
>> mapping 41308 1-grams
>> tableOffs 494937 tableGaps3417-grams
>> done (level1)
>> loadbin_level (level 2)
>> mapping 484826 2-grams
>> tableOffs 1114557 tableGaps445-grams
>> done (level2)
>> loadbin_level (level 3)
>> mapping 297921 3-grams
>> tableOffs 8386947 tableGaps2435-grams
>> done (level3)
>> done
>> OOV code is 1499
>> IRST: m_unknownId=1499
>> Finished loading LanguageModels : [49.000] seconds
>> Start loading PhraseTable /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/phrase-table : [49.000]
>> seconds
>> filePath: /home/ssp/smt/etof/model/phrase-table
>> Finished loading phrase tables : [49.000] seconds
>> Created input-output object : [49.000] seconds
>> Translating line 0  in thread id 3039353712
>> Translating: mardi
>> reading bin ttable
>> size of OFF_T 8
>> binary phrasefile loaded, default OFF_T: -1
>> Collecting options took 0.120 seconds
>> Search took 0.120 seconds
>> tuesday
>> BEST TRANSLATION: tuesday [1]  [total=-13.136] <<0.000, -1.000, 0.000,
>> -0.547, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -27.202, -0.916, -0.496, -0.865,
>> -0.580, 1.000>>
>> reset caches
>> Translation took 0.120 seconds
>> Finished translating
>> reset mmap
>> len  = 623037
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> len  = 7272835
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> len  = 2087882
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> len  = 623037
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> len  = 7272835
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> len  = 2087882
>> sync = 0
>> running msync...
>> done. Running munmap...
>> done
>> It takes about 2-3 minutes to translate a single word.
>>  Any suggestions on how I could reduce the total translation time? I would
>> really appreciate the help.
>> Thanks.
> --
> Barry Haddow
> University of Edinburgh
> +44 (0) 131 651 3173
> -- 
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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