Hello guys , 
I'm running moses on cygwin and I had this problem when I tried to clean up my 
corpus :
$ clean-corpus-n.perl coprus txte.STAND txte.DIA clean 1 100
clean-corpus.perl: processing coprus.txte.STAND & .txte.DIA to clean, cutoff 
1-100Use of uninitialized value $opn in open at 
/cygdrive/C/cygwin/home/user/moses/scripts/training/clean-corpus-n.perl line 
46.Use of uninitialized value $opn in concatenation (.) or string at 
/cygdrive/C/cygwin/home/user/moses/scripts/training/clean-corpus-n.perl line 
46.Can't open '' at 
/cygdrive/C/cygwin/home/user/moses/scripts/training/clean-corpus-n.perl line 46.
What does it mean ?? I tried to read the 46th line of clean-corpus-n.perl but I 
didn't understand what is about ??                                        
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