Could you explain the difference bettween m_transScore and m_fullScore in
the folder moses/src/TargetPhrase.h for me? Thanks.

2012/6/1 <>

> Send Moses-support mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Moses-support digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Sparse moses (Barry Haddow)
>   2. changes to the training scripts (Hieu Hoang)
>   3. Re: changes to the training scripts (Lane Schwartz)
>   4. Machine Translation Marathon 2012 (MTM2012): First        Call for
>      Participation (Barry Haddow)
>   5. Second Call for Papers for the Open Source        Convention held at
>      the MT Marathon 2012 (MTM2012) (Barry Haddow)
>   6. Re: Sparse moses (Tetsuo Kiso)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 20:19:24 +0100
> From: Barry Haddow <>
> Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Sparse moses
> To: Tetsuo Kiso <>
> Cc:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi Tetsuo
> Sorry about the delay!
> Yes, I'd like to merge the miramerge back into to trunk. At the moment
> though,
> I have concerns about the performance of the sparse features (time and
> space),
> so I'd like to address these before the merge. I'm going to have a look at
> it
> over the summer, and probably solicit help at the mt marathon,
> cheers - Barry
> On Saturday 26 May 2012 15:03:48 Tetsuo Kiso wrote:
> > Hi Barry,
> >
> > > I've updated the sparse features branch of Moses (miramerge), merging
> all
> > > the recent changes from trunk. It passes all the unit tests, and all
> the
> > > regression tests (apart from small number of rounding errors) but I
> > > have't run any other tests on this branch.
> >
> > I'm just wondering is there any plan to merge the branch "miramerge"
> > into "master" in the future?
> >
> >
> > Tetsuo
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 20:42:56 +0100
> From: Hieu Hoang <>
> Subject: [Moses-support] changes to the training scripts
> To: moses-support <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi all
> if you're checking out the latest github code, there are some changes
> you should be aware of:
>    1. There is a new argument to train-model.perl
>            -external-bin-dir [path]
>         This points to the directory where Giza++/mgiza lives. Setting
> this is MANDATORY if you're using train-model.perl to do the word
> alignment. It used to be hardcoded in the perl code itself.
>    2. All the training programs have been moved into the directory
>           [MOSES-ROOT]/bin
>        They should be run from there, not from wherever the source code is.
>    3. To roll out, simply copy the 2 directories
>           [MOSES-ROOT]/bin
>           [MOSES-ROOT]/scripts
>        to wherever you want, eg.
>           /home/hieu/moses/bin
>           /home/hieu/moses/scripts
>    4. If you don't want to move it anywhere, you can run it from where
> you downloaded.
>    5. The EMS and example files have been updated.
> Hope this is ok for everyone. It may break some people's setup. If
> possible, please change your setup. It's gonna help us all in the long
> run. If not, flame me & i'll see what I can do
> HH
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 16:06:47 -0400
> From: Lane Schwartz <>
> Subject: Re: [Moses-support] changes to the training scripts
> To: Hieu Hoang <>
> Cc: moses-support <>
> Message-ID:
>        <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Thank you, Hieu. This is an excellent change.
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Hieu Hoang <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > if you're checking out the latest github code, there are some changes
> > you should be aware of:
> > ? ?1. There is a new argument to train-model.perl
> > ? ? ? ? ? ?-external-bin-dir [path]
> > ? ? ? ? This points to the directory where Giza++/mgiza lives. Setting
> > this is MANDATORY if you're using train-model.perl to do the word
> > alignment. It used to be hardcoded in the perl code itself.
> > ? ?2. All the training programs have been moved into the directory
> > ? ? ? ? ? [MOSES-ROOT]/bin
> > ? ? ? ?They should be run from there, not from wherever the source code
> is.
> > ? ?3. To roll out, simply copy the 2 directories
> > ? ? ? ? ? [MOSES-ROOT]/bin
> > ? ? ? ? ? [MOSES-ROOT]/scripts
> > ? ? ? ?to wherever you want, eg.
> > ? ? ? ? ? /home/hieu/moses/bin
> > ? ? ? ? ? /home/hieu/moses/scripts
> > ? ?4. If you don't want to move it anywhere, you can run it from where
> > you downloaded.
> > ? ?5. The EMS and example files have been updated.
> >
> > Hope this is ok for everyone. It may break some people's setup. If
> > possible, please change your setup. It's gonna help us all in the long
> > run. If not, flame me & i'll see what I can do
> >
> > HH
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Moses-support mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's, social collapse is not
> far away.? It is time to go elsewhere.? The best thing about space travel
> is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -- R.A. Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 21:13:51 +0100
> From: Barry Haddow <>
> Subject: [Moses-support] Machine Translation Marathon 2012 (MTM2012):
>        First   Call for Participation
> To:,,,
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> (Apologies if you receive multiple copies. Please, distribute it among
> potentially interested colleagues.)
> The MosesCore ( consortium invites researchers,
> developers, students and users of machine translation to participate in the
> Machine Translation Marathon 2012.
> This is the seventh time that this event has been held, and this year's MT
> Marathon will take place on 3-8 September 2012 in the Informatics Forum,
> Edinburgh, Scotland. It is organised by the Statistical MT group of the
> School
> of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh.
> The MT Marathon will include
> - Week-long open source hacking projects, led by experienced developers and
> researchers
> - A "summer" school providing a complete introductory course on statistical
> machine translation, including hands-on labs. This will cover phrase-based
> and
> syntax-based MT, and computer-aided translation
> - Talks from leading MT researchers and practitioners
> - Technical talks about open source tools for MT.
> New for this year: The MT Marathon particularly welcomes participants from
> the MT developer/user community. As well as providing a forum for
> researchers,
> developers and users to meet, collaborate and share ideas, this years MT
> Marathon will feature projects run by the MosesCore commercial partners
> (ALS
> and TAUS) as well as presentations from leading MT deployers, and a round-
> table discussion on the needs and requirements for open-source MT.
> Registration is now open. It's free, but strictly limited to 100 people.
> For
> more information, see:
> The MT Marathon will again host an Open Source Convention to advance the
> state of the art in machine translation. We invite developers of open
> source
> tools to present their work and submit a paper of up to 10 pages  that
> describes the underlying methodology and includes instructions on
> how to use the tools.
> We are looking for stand-alone tools and extensions of existing tools,
> such as
> the Moses open source system. Accepted papers will be presented during the
> MT
> Marathon and published in the Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
> (
> Possible Topics:
>   *   Training of Machine Translation models
>   *   Machine Translation decoders
>   *   Tuning of Machine Translation systems
>   *   Evaluation of Machine Translation
>   *   Visualisation, annotation or debugging tools
>   *   Tools for human translators
>   *   Interfaces for web-based services or APIs
>   *   Extensions of existing tools
>   *   Other tools for Machine Translation
> The papers from previous Marathons are available online among other PBML
> articles (
> Papers will be reviewed by two reviewers appointed by the program
> committee. Most of the accepted papers will be printed in PBML in time
> for the MT Marathon, some papers may require substantial revisions and
> may be postponed to subsequent PBML issues.
> Important Dates
> Abstract submission: July 3, 2012 (1 paragraph, to allocate reviewers)
> Paper submission: July 17, 2012
> Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2012
> Camera-ready: August 7, 2012
> Presentations: September 3-8, 2012 (at the MT Marathon in Edinburgh)
> Author Instructions
> Please send full non-anonymous submissions in PDF to Philipp Koehn
> (pkoehn AT inf DOT ed DOT ac DOT uk) and the full Xe(La)TeX source for a
> technical pre-review to Ondrej Bojar (bojar AT ufal DOT mff DOT cuni DOT
> cz).
> The maximum length for submissions is 10 pages, including references.
> This limit will be strictly enforced. If your paper has been accepted,
> please send your camera-ready version in both PDF and Xe(La)TeX format
> to Ondrej Bojar.
> Submissions will be accepted only in the PBML Xe(La)TeX format
> ( for short papers (i.e.
> MS Word and other formats or a PDF without source files will not be
> accepted).
> Best regards,
> Barry Haddow
> (on behalf of the program and organising committees)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 21:20:36 +0100
> From: Barry Haddow <>
> Subject: [Moses-support] Second Call for Papers for the Open Source
>        Convention held at the MT Marathon 2012 (MTM2012)
> To:,,,
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> (Apologies if you receive multiple copies. Please, distribute it among
> potentially interested colleagues.)
> The Machine Translation Marathon 2012, MTM2012, will take place in
> Edinburgh,
> Scotland from September 3-8th 2012. Full details are available at
> The MT Marathon will again host an Open Source Convention to advance the
> state of the art in machine translation. We invite developers of open
> source
> tools to present their work and submit a paper of up to 10 pages  that
> describes the underlying methodology and includes instructions on
> how to use the tools.
> We are looking for stand-alone tools and extensions of existing tools,
> such as
> the Moses open source system. Accepted papers will be presented during the
> MT
> Marathon and published in the Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics
> (
> Possible Topics:
>   *   Training of Machine Translation models
>   *   Machine Translation decoders
>   *   Tuning of Machine Translation systems
>   *   Evaluation of Machine Translation
>   *   Visualisation, annotation or debugging tools
>   *   Tools for human translators
>   *   Interfaces for web-based services or APIs
>   *   Extensions of existing tools
>   *   Other tools for Machine Translation
> The papers from previous Marathons are available online among other PBML
> articles (
> Papers will be reviewed by two reviewers appointed by the program
> committee. Most of the accepted papers will be printed in PBML in time
> for the MT Marathon, some papers may require substantial revisions and
> may be postponed to subsequent PBML issues.
> Important Dates
> Abstract submission: July 3, 2012 (1 paragraph, to allocate reviewers)
> Paper submission: July 17, 2012
> Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2012
> Camera-ready: August 7, 2012
> Presentations: September 3-8, 2012 (at the MT Marathon in Edinburgh)
> Author Instructions
> Please send full non-anonymous submissions in PDF to Philipp Koehn
> (pkoehn AT inf DOT ed DOT ac DOT uk) and the full Xe(La)TeX source for a
> technical pre-review to Ondrej Bojar (bojar AT ufal DOT mff DOT cuni DOT
> cz).
> The maximum length for submissions is 10 pages, including references.
> This limit will be strictly enforced. If your paper has been accepted,
> please send your camera-ready version in both PDF and Xe(La)TeX format
> to Ondrej Bojar.
> Submissions will be accepted only in the PBML Xe(La)TeX format
> ( for short papers (i.e.
> MS Word and other formats or a PDF without source files will not be
> accepted).
> Best regards,
> Barry Haddow
> (on behalf of the program committee)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 05:49:45 +0900
> From: Tetsuo Kiso <>
> Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Sparse moses
> To: Barry Haddow <>
> Cc:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi Barry,
> I see.
> It seems that there're couple of things to try out such as feature
> selection or the size of tuning dataset before merging.
> Tetsuo
> On Jun 1, 2012, at 4:19 AM, Barry Haddow wrote:
> > Hi Tetsuo
> >
> > Sorry about the delay!
> >
> > Yes, I'd like to merge the miramerge back into to trunk. At the moment
> though,
> > I have concerns about the performance of the sparse features (time and
> space),
> > so I'd like to address these before the merge. I'm going to have a look
> at it
> > over the summer, and probably solicit help at the mt marathon,
> >
> > cheers - Barry
> >
> > On Saturday 26 May 2012 15:03:48 Tetsuo Kiso wrote:
> >> Hi Barry,
> >>
> >>> I've updated the sparse features branch of Moses (miramerge), merging
> all
> >>> the recent changes from trunk. It passes all the unit tests, and all
> the
> >>> regression tests (apart from small number of rounding errors) but I
> >>> have't run any other tests on this branch.
> >>
> >> I'm just wondering is there any plan to merge the branch "miramerge"
> >> into "master" in the future?
> >>
> >>
> >> Tetsuo
> >>
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Moses-support mailing list
> End of Moses-support Digest, Vol 67, Issue 74
> *********************************************
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