Dear Moses-list members,

We are trying to understand how flexible it is the tree-to-* learning 
mechanism in Moses chart. Do source side annotations for an input 
sentence of the form

<tree label="NP" span="0-1"/>
<tree label="DET" span="0-0"/>
<tree label="NOUN" span="1-1"/>
the cat

necessarily have to define a tree structure?

Or could labels overlap in a way which is not compatible with a single 
tree structures? For instance:

<tree label="NP" span="0-2"/>
<tree label="DET" span="0-0"/>
<tree label="N1" span="1-2"/>
<tree label="N2" span="0-1"/>
<tree label="ADJ" span="2-2"/>
la bruja verde

Thanks you very much in advance for your valuable help.
Kind regards.
Felipe Sánchez Martínez
Dep. de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant, E-03071 Alacant (Spain)
Tel.: +34 965 903 400, ext: 2966 Fax: +34 965 909 326
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