
I integrated sigtest filter into experiment.perl and ran some experiments
with phrase-based models, with GoodTuring count smoothing. Performance in
terms of BLEU (cased, on newstest2011) decreases generally by a bit with
the settings I used.

To use this method in experiment.perl, you will have to install Joy
Zhang's SALM
Suffix Array 
 and add two settings in the TRAINING section:

 salm-index = /path/to/project/salm/Bin/Linux/Index/IndexSA.O64
 sigtest-filter = "-l a+e -n 50"

The setting salm-index points to the binary to build the suffix array, and
sigtest-filter contains the options for filtering (excluding -e, -f, -h).
EMS detects automatically, if you filter a phrase-based or hierarchical
model and if a reordering model is used.

The table reports results with different top n translations kept in the
table in terms of  BLEU score impact and size of gzip text phrase table are
reported. Filtering of these tables takes about 5 hours clock time.
Language Pairbaselinen20n30n50fr-en30.39   7.9G-.44   1.7G*-.35*   1.8G -.38
  1.8Ges-en30.86   7.1G -.63   1.6G-.55   1.6G *-.46  * 1.6Gcs-en25.53
5.2G-.29   1.1G -.17   1.2G *-.14*   1.2Gen-fr29.83   7.8G-.28   1.6G-.22
1.6G *-.10*   1.7Gen-es32.34   6.9G-.55   1.4G *-.46*   1.5G -.57   1.5G
en-cs17.54   5.2G *-.19*   1.1G-.25   1.1G-.21   1.2Gavg--.397-.333*-.310

I have not done any experiments with hierarchical models yet.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Rico Sennrich <rico.sennr...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-09-05 at 08:13 -0400, Jonathan Clark wrote:
>> Rico,
>> Thanks for the response. I've updated the documentation to reflect the
>> correct directory.
>> Do you have any numbers for how this affects the quality of Hiero
>> systems or what good defaults would be for Hiero?
>> Cheers,
>> Jon
> I do have a few numbers for an EN-DE hierarchical system, using about
> 100 million words of parallel training data and newstest2012 as test
> set:
> unfiltered & 20.6 & 28.6
> filtered & 21.2 & 28.7
> unfiltered & 14.6 & 35.0
> filtered & 14.8 & 35.0
> I used -l a+e -n 20 as pruning threshold, but I don't know if I've
> picked good hiero options (performance of a phrase-based system is 21.2
> BLEU for DE-EN, and 15.2 BLEU for EN-DE (both with pruning)).
> best,
> Rico
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