*Machine Translation Summit XIV - 2--6 September 2013, Nice, France*

*First Call for **Commercial/User papers and Commercial/User presentations*/**/

The Fourteenth Machine Translation Summit, organized by the International Association for Machine Translation and the European Association for Machine Translation, will be held at the ACROPOLIS conference centre, Nice, France, 2--6 September 2013.

The conference programme for the MT Summit 2013 will include keynote speeches by renowned experts in Machine Translation, panel discussions and presentations of submitted and invited papers organized in two programme tracks - research and commercial/user.

An exhibition of commercial and research systems will be held during the conference as well as a 'Project Village' featuring the best of recently funded collaborative work. Before the main conference two full days will be devoted to tutorials and workshops. There will be a variety of sightseeing tours in the beautiful surroundings of Nice both before and after the MT Summit.

*CFP **Commercial/User**Program Track*

The Commercial User track will focus on how MT can meet business needs and create viable consumer products and services. Examples of MT applied to business needs include such as just-in-time localization of critical information, delivery of multilingual technical support information, or creation of draft translations for post-editing.

The MT Summit 2013 is sure to be of great interest for users as well as developers of Machine Translation. Developers of MT will benefit from updates on leading-edge R & D in MT and will offer them a unique opportunity to share their most recent developments with users and potential users of MT.

Users of Machine Translation will meet other users and exchange valuable experiences on using Machine Translation.

*What to submit*

Ideal presentations will clearly identify a business need and describe how MT meets those needs, with a candid assessment of its strengths and limitations for that particular usage, supported as possible by data. Submissions should be 250-500 word summaries and need to be submitted via:


Make sure to select the /*User Track*/option when submitting your presentation.

*Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:*


   Use of MT to reduce localization time and/or cost


   Use of MT to better exploit qualified resources


   Integrating MT and human translation


   Integrating MT into an existing production process
   (manual/(semi-)automatic workflows, format conversion, language


   Optimizing system setup, maintenance, and post-editing


   Post-editing experiences and data on productivity


   Quality assurance aspects


   ROI analyses of post-editing versus translation from scratch and/or
   using other CAT tools


   Use of MT to provide localization of data-driven, dynamic, or
   user-specific information


   Ways in which MT can be used to increase the scope of globalization
   projects, translating additional text types


   Managing change when implementing MT technologies


   Open-source and low-cost MT tools: are they realistic and is there a
   market for them?


   Human translators usage of MT

*Important Dates*

Submission date



April 15, 2013

Notification of acceptance



May 31, 2013

Documentation (paper, slides etc.)



July 1, 2013

MT Summit



September 2-6, 2013

About Nice - click here <http://www.mtsummit2013.info/about.asp>

Responsible for the *Commercial/User programme*track: Daniel GRASMICK <mailto:userprog...@mtsummit2013.info>and Heidi DEPRAETERE <mailto:userprog...@mtsummit2013.info>

Responsible for the *Research programme track*: Khalil SIMA'AN <mailto:researchprog...@mtsummit2013.info> and Mikel L. FORCADA <mailto:researchprog...@mtsummit2013.info>

Mikel L. Forcada (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/)
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes InformĂ tics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03071 Alacant, Spain
Phone: +34 96 590 9776
Fax: +34 96 590 9326

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