/*QTLaunchPad Workshop on User-Centric Machine Translation &*/

/*Evaluation at *//*MT Summit XIV*/ <http://www.mtsummit2013.info/>/*, Nice, September 3rd, 2013*/

*Call for Papers *

With the uptake of MT in production workflows, the issues of usability and realistic assessment of MT quality have led to increased calls for user-centric approaches to evaluation, accessibility, and effective usage. Users and their feedback are vital at many key points in the MT process: ranging from sourcing and using data, developing systems, evaluating them and their output, through to end-user consumption.

Users come in many forms: translators, post-editors, developers, and evaluators, and the quality of the tools, methods, and resources available to them are of critical importance, especially in the context of high-quality MT. There is a growing need for appropriate tools and resources to support MT in this regard to go beyond the crude scores of one-size-fits-all standard automatic metrics and resource-heavy human evaluation. A top desideratum is to enhance the diagnostic value of MT evaluation in order to help developers fine-tune and optimise the performance of their systems and to prepare the systems for actual usage in production environments.

This full-day workshop consists of an opening keynote by Philipp Koehn (/University of Edinburgh/), followed by a thematic series of presentations around the topics listed below. We then focus on the /Barriers to High-Quality Machine Translation/, a central concern of the QTLaunchPad project. This forms the basis of an interactive panel discussion comprised of invited representatives from industry, the translation community, researchers, government users, and the project consortium.

*Topics of Interest:*


   User-centric measures and usability studies, e.g. methods of MT
   evaluation, cognitive effort, user experience and performance.


   Crowd and cloud ventures, e.g. crowd-sourced data, cloud-based
   translation and evaluation.


   Corpora for MT development and evaluation, e.g. availability,
   preprocessing, quality, interoperability, annotation, error corpora
   and test suites, self-learning, adaptive MT, feedback mechanisms.


   Diagnostic MT evaluation - human in the loop, e.g. identification
   and auto-correction of recurrent errors, learning from human evaluation.


   Fully and semi-automated error solutions, e.g. below threshold
   medium-quality translations, identifying and overcoming quality

*Schedule: *

Call for Papers


1st of March, 2013

*Submission of Papers*


*14th of June, 2013*

*Author Notifications*


*5th of July, 2013*

*Final/Camera-Ready Version*


*1st of August, 2013*

QTLaunchPad Workshop


3rd of September, 2013

MT Summit Main Conference


4-6th of September, 2013

Submissions: EasyChair <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mtsummit2013qtlp>

Contact: stephen.dohe...@dcu.ie <mailto:stephen.dohe...@dcu.ie>

*Programme Committee:*

Hala Almaghout, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Silvia Bernardini, /University of Bologna at Forlì/

Lynne Bowker, University of Ottawa

Adriano Ferraresi, /University of Bologna at Forlì/

Markus Foti, /Directorate General for Translation/

Federico Gaspari, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Josef van Genabith, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Declan Groves, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Dorothy Kenny, SALIS /Dublin City University/

Qun Liu, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Arle Lommel, / Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz /

Joss Moorkens, CNGL Dublin City University

Maja Popovic, / Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz /

Johann Roturier, /Symantec/

Antonio Toral, CNGL Dublin City University

Hans Uszkoreit, / Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz /

Eros Zanchetta, /University of Bologna at Forlì/

Federico Zanettin, /University of Perugia/

Ventsislav Zhechev, /Autodesk/

*Workshop Organisers:*

Stephen Doherty, /CNGL Dublin City University/

Lucia Specia, /University of Sheffield/

David Vilar, /Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz/

Mikel L. Forcada (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/)
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