EAMT summer internships 2014

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT, http://www.eamt.org) is an organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology. As part of its commitment to promote research, development and awareness about translation technologies, the EAMT is for the first time launching a call for summer internships. Institutions or companies hosting the summer internships are expected to apply, manage the funding, select the student and document the internship. Students wishing to visit a place may want to convince a host to apply for funding and help with proposal writing, but, in the end, the hosting institution or company will be responsible. Summer internships are expected to occur between June 15, 2014 and September 15, 2014.

   Purpose of the Call

The EAMT is planning to support summer internships in the field of MT and translation tools. The subject of the internship should be of direct interest to the community of researchers, developers, vendors and users of MT and translation technologies.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 * Recent developments in MT research.
 * MT evaluation methodology, metrics and results.
 * Launch of MT-specific evaluation campaigns.
 * New or prospective commercial uses of MT technology.
 * MT environments (workflow, support tools, etc.).
 * Interaction between users and MT systems.
 * MT combined with other technologies (translation memories, speech
   translation, cross-language information retrieval, multilingual text
   categorization, multilingual text summarization, etc.).
 * MT for less-resourced languages: development, usage, etc.
 * MT in the social Internet: new uses, new modes of development.

All proposals will be screened by a review committee that consists of EAMT Executive Committee members and possibly a few appointed external experts if necessary.

   Submission information

     Eligibility requirements

In order to qualify for funding, the hosting institution or the individual heading the hosting proposal must be a confirmed year 2014 member of the EAMT at submission time.
Students must be confirmed members of the EAMT at application time.
Membership information: http://www.eamt.org/membership.php

     Selection criteria

 * The proposed activity should be of direct interest to the MT
   community at large: researchers, developers, vendors or users of MT
 * The proposal shall clearly describe the purpose of the internship,
   and include a detailed work plan
 * Proposals with a significant, clearly identified impact on the MT
   community (through the development, dissemination or use of project
   results) are most likely to be accepted.
 * Proposals that bring together different aspects of MT will be
   specially valued.
 * The proposal should be clearly justified as being technically and/or
   scientifically sound.
 * The quality and efficiency of the implementation of the proposal
   will be evaluated.
 * The budget should be adequate for the proposed objectives and the
   actual implementation of the internship.


EAMT anticipates funding several summer internships.
Applications by hosting institutions or companies requesting partial funding to match their own internal funding will be given preference, but well-justified requests for full funding will be carefully considered. The total foreseen EAMT budget for this call is around EUR10,000. The maximum amount EAMT can grant for a single internship will be EUR1,500 per month, which should cover all expenses (see budget details below). Hosting institutions or companies will receive 50% of the internship before the internship starts, and the remaining 50% during the internship, after a brief progress report by the person responsible at the hosting institution or company.

   Contact for enquiries

For general enquiries please contact:
Mikel L. Forcada
EAMT Secretary
e-mail: m...@ua.es

   Submission procedure


Hosting institutions or companies should respond to the call by submitting a single PDF document, written in English, that is composed of the following elements:

1. Proposal summary: 1 page maximum
2. Experience of the host: 1 page maximum
3. Detailed description of work: 2 pages maximum
4. Budget: 2 pages maximum.

Submit your proposals as a single PDF file no later than the deadline (see Important Dates below) through EasyChair: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2013proposals
Mark it clearly as a proposal to host a summer internship.

     Detailed description of sections of the proposal by the hosting
     institution or company

1. Proposal summary (one page) in English.
     * Complete contact information of institution or company and
       mentoring person
     * Description of the activity to be performed by the student.
     * Budget summary and identification of the requested support from
2. Experience of the proposing organization and mentoring person in the
   field (1 page maximum).
3. Detailed proposal description (up to 2 pages)
     * A clear and detailed description of the activity that will be
       carried out by the student.
     * A statement on why this event or activity would be helpful for
       the MT community and for the student.
     * A brief statement justifying why EAMT should support this event
       or activity.
     * A list of experience and related skills of the participants of
       the team.
     * A statement of the criteria that will be used to select interns
       among candidates
4. Budget and project planning overview (up to 1 page)
     * A breakdown of the costs estimated for the entire activity or
       event. Should cover: travel bursary, accomodation, meals,
       arrangements for visas (where applicable).
     * A clear workplan, with clear deliverables, and optionally with
       mid-term milestones.
     * An identification of the support requested from EAMT and
       possible other supporting funds (maximum funding by EAMT:
       EUR1,500 per month).
     * Text that will be used to announce the summer internship in
       MT-List and other suitable mailing lists and media (one paragraph).

     Important dates

 * Circulation of the Call: September 2, 2013
 * Submission deadline for institutions or companies hosting summer
   interns: January 31, 2014, 23:59 CET.
 * Notification of acceptance of a hosting proposal: March 31, 2014
 * Hosting institutions or companies should publish available summer
   internships before: April 30, 2014, 23:59 CEST.
 * Submission deadline for students applying for summer internships:
   (recommended: hosting institutions or companies may adapt
   deadlines): May 31, 23:59 CEST
 * Notification to candidates: 15 days after submission deadline
 * Notification to the EAMT with list of applicants, and brief
   justification for selection: same day as notification to candidates.
 * Brief mid-term statement (to request remaining 50%): no later than
   halfway the scheduled stay.
 * Final report by hosting institution or company due: October 31,
   2014, 23:59 CET.

     Additional provisions

 * Only complete hosting proposals will be reviewed.
 * All information submitted with proposals will be regarded as
   confidential and will only be used in the context of this project.
 * The interns or their host institutions or companies may be required
   to report at the EAMT events (e.g. Poster at the EAMT conference, a
   short progress report for the General assembly, etc.), without any
   claim for additional funds.
 * The EAMT should be acknowledged in all materials related to the
   project, activity or initiative.

   No obligation to award the proposal

The EAMT shall be under no obligation to fund the proposals pursuant to this call for proposals. EAMT shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to candidates whose proposals have not been accepted. Nor shall it be liable in the event of its deciding not to award the proposal.

Mikel L. Forcada (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/)
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes InformĂ tics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03071 Alacant, Spain
Phone: +34 96 590 9776
Fax: +34 96 590 9326

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