i have succeeded installing the Web interface to the EMS and I'm playing with the config.toy. I still have a small problem... when I click over a source word to get the concordance (biconcor) the output I get is unformatted like....

finally(15) enfin , ceux qui s' opposent à une réglementation sur les rémunérations seront sûrement ceux qui nous mettront en garde contre les « conséquences fortuites » . ||| finally , those opposing pay regulation are certain to warn us about " unintended consequences . " ||| 0 0 ||| 0 0 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 19-3 10-4 11-4 7-5 8-5 5-6 5-7 6-8 3-9 4-9 5-9 17-10 9-11 22-12 24-13 23-14 26-15 enfin , d' autres politiques des pays riches pourraient être plus efficaces que l' aide internationale . ||| finally , other rich country policies may be much more beneficial than aid . ||| 0 0 ||| 0 0 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-2 5-3 7-3 6-4 4-5 8-6 9-7 11-8 10-9 11-10 12-11 13-12 14-12 15-12 enfin , dans le cadre de l' appréciation de sociétés contrôlées , il importe de ne pas juger l' indépendance des administrateurs essentiellement sur leur indépendance vis @-@ à-vis du conseil de la société où ils siègent , mais plutôt vis @-@ à-vis de son actionnaire majoritaire . ||| finally , when assessing controlled companies , the independence of directors should not be judged largely by looking at the extent to which they are independent of the company on whose board they serve . rather , considerable attention should be given to their independence from the controlling shareholder . ||| 0 0 ||| 0 0 ||| 0-0 1-1 2-2 7-3 10-4 9-5 11-6 18-7 18-8 19-8 20-9 21-10 13-11 15-12 16-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 30-18 29-19 28-20 31-21 32-27 33-28 23-29 34-31 35-32 36-33 38-34 39-35 37-36 38-37 42-38 43-42 24-43 25-44 26-45 27-46 27-47 44-47 45-48 46-48  ............

I have moved biconcor and the web directory to the root of my apache web server, have I missed something?

Thanks in advance

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