On 26/10/2013 06:55, Andrew Shin wrote:
Dear support team,

 thank you for your previous reply which worked out for me.
I have a few questions which I think should be simple but couldn't find relevant information on the website.

1) When you run Moses and type in a sentence, is there any way you could have the translation with
the corresponding probability?
run moses with the argument

2) Also when you run and type in a sentence, is there a way to have not just one translation, but N-best candidates? (preferably with corresponding probabilities, which was the first question..)
run moses with the arguments
   -n-best-list nbest.txt 100

3) I've done getting BLEU score using moses, but is there a way to also get word error rate to a reference?

4) After cleaning process, moses shows the number of lines in input and output text files, but I noticed that number of lines in output file decreased about 5%,resulting in non-matching number of lines
for input and output.
Looking at the translation results, it seems like it worked fine somehow, but it gets me concerned. Why is it, and does it affect the line-match of input-output and the training process?
How exactly do you clean your your data?

Non-matching number of lines should never happen. The script
takes in both the source and target language corpus files. If it discard a sentence in 1 language, it should also discard it in the other language. If it behaves any differently, please let us know

I truly appreciate your help in advance.


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