
I've discovered that an apparent bug in zlib (specifically version installed in Ubuntu 12.04) can cause the Moses training pipeline 
to fail. Upgrading to the latest zlib (1.2.8) fixes the problem.

The problem appears when the extract files are being read in order to 
create the reordering tables or translation tables. For the reordering 
table, an error message like this

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::GZException'
   what():  util/read_compressed.cc:163 in virtual std::size_t 
util::{anonymous}::GZip::Read(void*, std::size_t, util::ReadCompressed&) 
threw GZException'.
zlib encountered invalid distances set code -3

is printed, whilst for the translation table, the Moses scorer swallows 
the zlib error but eventually fails in 'consolidate' like this:

ERROR: source phrase does not match in line 289: 'clean .' != 
'definitely recommend to have'

So far I haven't found any reports of this zlib bug, and it seems to be 
quite intermittent.

cheers - Barry

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